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Crear una extensión para Firefox 3 - Wikilibros

by m.meixide
En el siguiente tutorial se explicará paso a paso como llevar a cabo el desarrollo de una extensión personalizada para Firefox 3. De esta forma el lector podrá generar de forma fácil extensiones que le permitan personalizar su Firefox, teniendo en cuenta que serán compatibles a partir de Firefox3.0 en adelante.

Packaging extensions - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

by m.meixide
Before releasing extension, you need to package it into an XPI file, so that others can easily install it with a few clicks. provides the most comprehensive technical document on packaging extensions. It explains the format of the install.rdf manifest for those wishing to create one from scratch. See install.rdf page for the list of tools and a template that make it easier to create an install manifest.

Creating XPI Installer Modules - MDC

by m.meixide
Mozilla has introduced major changes to the way that themes and all the other parts of the UI are packaged. This new packaging scheme is called XPI (pronounced "zippy"), and interacts with XPInstall. A XPI file typically contains the resources to be installed (in this case the barley.jar we want to have installed in the Mozilla/bin/chrome/ directory) and an install script that guides the installation process.

Navegador Firefox en galego

by m.meixide (via)
Máis rápido, máis seguro e máis adaptábel. Actualícese a un navegador que fala no seu idioma! Firefox é a mellor maneira de navegar pola Internet de forma máis rápida e segura.


Meus plugins galegos (Firefox)

by m.meixide
Files Boox, WikiPTedia (PT), WUKipedia (UK), Galipedia (Ga), WikipESdia (ES), Googalego, RILG (Recursos Integrados da Lingua Galega), Jogli (musica), Toponimia Galega, FileFab e LinkDirecto (procuras en sitios como fileshare, megaupload etc), Tooorgle+TorrentHound+Usniff (3 buscadores de torrents para baixar arquivos con ese protocolo), DRAG e RAE (Dicionarios das academias), Dic WordReference EN-ES (Excelente dicionario inglés e moitas linguas), RefSeek (Referencias), PanImaxes (Imaxes en Flikr e Google), Blinkx (Procura Videos).

2006 | Songbird Media Player

by Aspo & 9 others, 1 comment (via)
Upcoming new mozilla based music library player like AamaroK, iTunes and musikCube...



by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
GrouCha is a web IRC client written in PHP, ECMAScript and CSS. It is licensed under GNU GPL licence. The whole source files are available here. Groucha have been tested successfully on Mozilla 1.7, Firefox 0.x, Camino ... Internet Explorer and Opera will be supported quickly.

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