04 December 2006
U.S. Copyright Office issues new rights - Yahoo! News
by jlesageFilm professors can copy snippets from DVDs for educational compilations.
01 December 2006
Hayden White, Historiography and Historiophoty
by jlesage"Historiophoty" is Robert Rosentstone's term for our representing history visually and filmically; in contrast, according to White, is "historiography," representing history verbally, in prose.
BUBL LINK: Media studies
by jlesagea UK portal's link to media links portals; some entries here will be new to US academics
30 November 2006
27 November 2006
by jlesagea cultural studies ejournal, with essays on literature and film; fall 06 issue is on blogging theories and practices.
26 November 2006
media teacher's home page, lots of resouces, links pages
by jlesage"news and journalism, film, TV, media policy, media reform activism, philosophy and social theory, urban history, contemporary American politics--\perspective informed by media history, political economy and social and cultural theory."
MIT communications forum archive
by jlesagethe various programs are on many topics of media and mass communications; available in audio, video, or print format; good overview of contemporary media issues by academics and practitioners
22 November 2006
DIGITALSOULS.COM - new media art | philosophy | culture
by jlesage"one of the longest continuously running online galleries and e-zines dedicated to new media art, digital culture and philosophy; contributions by international artists and writers including Brian Eno, Yoko Ono, John Berger, Sean Cubitt, Susan Sontag..."
20 November 2006
Notes on The Gaze
by jlesageDaniel Chandler's overview of the use of an important concept in media theory
Aesthetics and Visual Culture
by jlesageextensive links page, from a philosophy disciplinary perspective; updated Aug. 06
18 November 2006
Early Visual Media
by jlesage & 1 otherpre-cinema, early photography, early film, early television; lots of visual examples and explanations
Dave Harris and Colleagues
by jlesagelarge collection of work, lectures, course materials in media studies, leisure studies, sociology
Observations on film art and “Film Art”
by jlesageblog by senior film scholars David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson
Category D: A Film and Media Studies Blog: The Intro Textbook: A Comparison
by jlesagean entry in a film blog that I like that compares and contrasts the Film 101 textbooks commonly used
16 November 2006
13 November 2006
MIT--media in transition 05: the work of stories
by jlesagemuch of the conference is available in av form or papers or abstracts.
12 November 2006
'The Science Of Ghosts' - Derrida In 'Ghost Dance' (1983)
by jlesageDerrida plays himself in 1983 film about concepts of memory; he says he is here a ghost in the art of ghosts, cinema. Many clips from this film found here
11 November 2006
Literary Theory. Literary Criticism
by jlesagevery large site, also contains links for art and film, among other things, lots of branching possiblities
06 November 2006
by jlesagelinks to courses compiled by Karen Nakamura, who notes that most courses in Visual Anthropology teach visual analysis and not visual production