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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ffmpeg & video



HOWTO: Compile the latest ffmpeg and x264 from source - Ubuntu Forums

by camel & 1 other
ffmpeg is a versatile video tool used to encode and convert a multitude of video and audio formats. x264 is a library used to encode H264 video and creates excellent looking video usually superior to xvid and other popular codecs. x264 is used by Avidemux, GordianKnot, VLC Player, MEncoder, and Handbrake. Although ffmpeg and x264 are available in the Ubuntu repositories, you may need to compile from source. For example, the ffmpeg-user mailing list requires that you use the latest ffmpeg svn before asking for help. Since ffmpeg and x264 are updated frequently, you may also like to have the bleeding-edge for encoding videos. Also, ffmpeg in the Ubuntu repository may not support all of the codecs and formats that you may need

WinFF convertisseur vidéo efficace - Cedynamix

by camel
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, WinFF est un frontend pour ffmpeg. C'est-à-dire qu'au moyen d'une interface graphique, WinFF nous permet d'effectuer tout type de conversions de fichiers vidéo rapidement et facilement d'un seul trait et cela sans avoir à appeler une ligne de commandes sans fin de ffmpeg à taper dans la console du Terminal. WinFF convertit des fichiers multiples dans des formats multiples. Vous pouvez par exemple convertir un fichier MPEG et un flv, le tout dans le même fichier avi de destination. La liste des formats de conversion pré définis est impressionnante. Pour être précis j'en ai compté 40.



by camel & 8 others (via)
ffmpeg-php is an extension for PHP that adds an easy to use, object-oriented API for accessing and retrieving information from video and audio files. It has methods for returning frames from movie files as images that can be manipulated using PHP's image functions. This works well for automatically creating thumbnail images from movies. ffmpeg-php is also useful for reporting the duration and bitrate of audio files (mp3, wma...). ffmpeg-php can access many of the video formats supported by ffmpeg (mov, avi, mpg, wmv...)

ffmpeg - Convertir une majorité de formats vidéo et audio sous Linux • Balluche

by camel
ffmpeg - Convertir une majorité de formats vidéo et audio sous Linux • Balluche

Encoding video to FLV format - FlowPlayer

by camel & 1 other
Encoding video to FLV format This page provides some info about how to convert a video file into Macromedia's FLV format. FLV is a video file format with advanced capabilities including progressive download. FLV requires a Flash Player version 7 (or newer) to be installed in the client browser.


[DB75]: Using FFmpeg to Extract PNG Files

by fakechris
ffmpeg -i swing.avi -vcodec png -vframes 1 -an -f rawvideo -s 320x240 swing1.png

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