public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag esa




ESA - Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture

by archiverte & 2 others
L'Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture, fondée en 1865, est un établissement privé d'enseignement supérieur reconnu d'utilité publique en 1870 et par l'Etat en 1934. Le diplôme DESA ouvre droit à l'inscription à l'Ordre des architectes. Il est reconnu par l'Etat et l'Union Européenne.

Farnborough: Crew transport work to start-25/07/2006-Farnborough-Flight International

by fredbird
Work could begin in the first week of September on the European Space Agency/Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA) crew transport system programme, once financial contributions and legal documents are agreed by ESA member states this month.

ESA Portal - Mars Express’s OMEGA uncovers possible sites for life

by fredbird
By mapping minerals on the surface of Mars using the European Space Agency’s Mars Express spacecraft, scientists have discovered the three ages of Martian geological history – as reported in today’s issue of Science - and found valuable clues as to where life might have developed.

Pesquisa diz que 35% dos pais jogam games - 27/01/2006 - UOL Jogos

by bcpbcp
De acordo com um estudo da ESA (The Entertainment Software Association), 35% dos pais jogam computador e videogames. Destes, 80% jogam com junto com os filhos e dois terços dizem que jogar em família aproxima a convivência entre todos.


ESA - Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture

by digitalmonkey & 2 others
On va se bourrer la gueule à l'école d'archi vendredi soir ?


Active users

last mark : 24/11/2014 13:02

last mark : 20/10/2010 11:40

last mark : 18/09/2006 19:52

last mark : 31/08/2006 14:47

last mark : 25/07/2006 22:04

last mark : 29/01/2006 11:33

last mark : 08/10/2005 14:22

last mark : 15/12/2004 15:43