January 2006
GameDAILY: Porn Stars Love Video Games
by bcpbcp"Most times when I see an interview on a game website all I can think is, "What a load of crap"! It's not that the information is bad per se, but videogame magazines and websites are content to interview the same damn people year after year and they always say the same things. Like, I get it. I know that most NFL players carry copies of Madden NFL 06 with them like drunks carry flasks. I get it. I'm aware that Brooke Burke just loves Need for Speed, but only because she's practically married to Electronic Arts. "
GameCultura: Atrizes pornôs também jogam videogames
by bcpbcpUm repórter espertinho foi em uma feira de filmes pornô, entrevistou as celebridades do meio (sobre videogames, claro), e colocou as fotos das entrevistadas, vestidas para trabalhar.
October 2005
Next Generation - Closer Look at Sex in Games
by bcpbcp (via)At today's Women's Game Conference, veteran game designer Brenda Brathwaite will tackle the subject of 'Sex in Games'. Next Generation caught up with her for a preview.
(3 marks)