15 April 2018
Easy Link 1: Workbook | Learning English Together
by tadeufilippiniA theme-based reading series to help improve students' basic reading ability. It is a six-level curriculum integration reading program for low-beginner to beginner students. As an introductory reading series, "Easy Link" equips students with a solid foundation in reading comprehension. The series' theme-based curriculum helps students to improve their language abilities and acquire new knowledge from the interesting content presented in each of the passages. With multiple lessons for each theme, Easy Link allows students to develop a greater understanding of the curriculum and broaden the context of their learning beyond single-subject areas.
04 April 2018
FCE Listening & Speaking Skills 1: Interactive Whiteboard Software | Learning English Together
by tadeufilippiniFCE Listening & Speaking Skills 1: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Published by: Anonymous on 6 August 2015 | Views: 10219
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english-school-001.onlineАдрес и телефон
The book provides systematic development of students´ listening and speaking skills. It also offers excellent preparation for the revised Cambridge First Certificate Examination for December 2008 or any other examinations at the same level.
(2 marks)