February 2007
Wiki引擎 - Wikipedia
by realmipWiki引擎,或稱為Wiki軟體,是指用來架設Wiki的軟體。廣義來說,即是一種軟體能作為網路共筆,供網友自行編輯,並最終集合成完整的資料庫。狹義來說,即是能達成維基百科樣式的軟體。以下主要介紹一些較為著名的Wiki引擎。
April 2006
ZabboWabbo.com - Simple Search Results
by ycc2106 & 1 otherZabboWabbo gleans from more than 10 sources for your search to potentially provide broader and more useful results.
MediaWiki - MediaWiki
by ycc2106 & 12 othersMediaWiki can run on any operating system that can run the following components (GNU/Linux is suggested): any web server (apache2 is suggested), PHP ≥ 4.3 (PHP 4.3.11 is suggested) and MySQL ≥ 3.23 (MySQL 4.0.23 is suggested). You do not need a specif
March 2006
February 2006
(6 marks)