July 2006
June 2006
May 2006
Feel The Force
by ycc2106 & 1 otherAjax search engine with keyword suggestion, searches flickr or Yahoo, web, images, videos, news. Has a mobile version
Tagground - The social bookmarking mashup.
by ycc2106 & 4 othersNew Ajax social bookmark URL(you can see with what tags one have bookmarked you) and tag search. Says it will be adding more social bookmarking query services almost daily.
April 2006
ZabboWabbo.com - Simple Search Results
by ycc2106 & 1 otherZabboWabbo gleans from more than 10 sources for your search to potentially provide broader and more useful results.
BaeBo{beta} by Francis Shanahan[.com]
by ycc2106Baebo is a shopping site that lets you compare Amazon, eBay and Yahoo all in one place!
(7 marks)