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PUBLIC MARKS with tags emploi & cv


Comment créer en ligne un superbe CV nouvelle génération

by lang
Vous cherchez un site web pour créer un CV numérique, voici une soluton web bien utile à destinaton des demandeurs d'emploi




by boninmat & 6 others
Outil gratuit de création de CV en ligne


by CharlesNepote & 3 others
JoobsBox est un logiciel libre conçu pour monter un site d'annonces et de recherches d'emploi.

jobberBase - The Open Source Job Board Software

by CharlesNepote & 8 others
jobberBase est un logiciel libre conçu pour monter un site d'annonces et de recherches d'emploi.

CV TEST - Service exclusif et gratuit

by cascamorto
Votre CV est-il lisible par les logiciels des recruteurs et les sites d'offres d'emploi? Testez et corrigez votre document. Un service exclusif Jobetic - Lingway*, soutenu par Pôle Emploi, totalement GRATUIT.

10 erreurs à ne pas commettre dans votre lettre de motivation

by pac-recrutement

Peut-être savez vous déjà comment rédiger votre lettre de motivation, mais êtes-vous certain de pouvoir éviter tous les pièges ? Pour ne pas rater votre lettre de motivation, voici dix erreurs à éviter.

src : - Les Jeudis

CV gratuit

by baptiste & 1 other
Un site gratuit où l'on peut déposer son CV, mais aussi envoyer des candidatures spontannées

Recrutement. La traque aux CV bidonnés - Economie - Le Télégramme

by CharlesNepote
La tension sur le marché du travail favoriserait le "bidonnage" des CV. L'occasion pour les recruteur de valoriser plus encore le parcours et la réputation en ligne des candidats ?


OPML, le CV du Web 2.0 ?

by nhoizey
Amusante offre d'emploi sur le blog du nouveau service de synchronisation « If you feel you can help us out we have a few jobs open so send us your OPML along with your cv and vcf to stefan (at) soocial (dot) com. »


Réaliser un CV soigné sous Word 2007 - Les Astuces de Jeanviet

by cascamorto
Au premier abord, réaliser un CV sous Word n’a rien de compliqué… Pas compliqué jusqu’à à un certain degré d’exigence. Avez-vous déjà essayé d’insérer une photo ? de mettre la durée de vos expériences à droite, vos dates d’entrée en fonction à gauche ? Si on n’a pas un peu de méthode, on s’énerve parce qu’on arrive pas à coller une date juste à droite du texte, parce que notre photo n’est pas sur la même ligne que notre état civil,… Et on en revient à une présentation ultra basique. Pour ce tutoriel, je vais utiliser la dernière version de Word 2007.

rebelutionary: Life Is A Hire Way: 5 Tips For Startup Hiring

by sdaclin
Très bon article sur les critères clefs pour recruter un collaborateur.

HR-XSL Homepage

by pvergain (via)
The HR-XSL project provides a set of command-line tools that transforms a curriculum vitae or résumé in XML format into PDF, HTML, or plain text format. Background Keeping one's CV current is a tedious, never-ending process. One common problem is that several different versions of the same document have to be maintained. For example, job hunters these days typically have to maintain at least three separate forms of their CV or résumé: * An HTML version for posting to the web * A plain text one for sending via email * A nicely-formatted PDF version for printing With all of these different versions, making changes to your CV or résumé can be tiresome and prone to error. Cutting and pasting can help, but a typo in one version will still propagate to all the others, and then you must correct each separate version. And, when deadlines are approaching, you might quickly make an important change to one version and forget to make that same change in all of the others. A better approach is to put all of your CV or résumé content into a single "master" copy, then let your computer automatically generate and format different versions of the document from this master. The HR-XSL project provides the tools for exactly this purpose. All you need to do is create a CV in a special XML format. HR-XSL can then take this XML file as input and create a PDF, HTML, or plain text version as output. Documentation User documentation Examples Simple Résumé Source HTML PDF Plain text Complex CV Source HTML PDF Plain text Download Latest release Project Page HR-XSL on Related Sites * HR-XML Consortium - This non-profit organization produces XML specifications for HR processes, including a specification for résumés. * Open Source Recruiter (SourceForge) - A Java toolkit for creating and manipulating HR-XML résumés. * Jerimoth (SourceForge) - A Java-based web service for posting HR-XML résumés. * Open Human Resources (SourceForge) - An open repository for various Human Resource components that communicate using HR-XML via SOAP. * OpenSkills (Wikipedia) - a global non-profit association that provides a freely searchable database of résumés based on HR-XML. * xmlresume (SourceForge) - An open source project that defines both the data layer and the presentation layer of a résumé. It uses a custom (non-HR-XML) data format.


by pvergain
Amiko is the new resumé. The Internet has changed the way people are hired, more and more companies are using online job postings to find employees. Printing and mailing resumés can cost and arm and a leg. If you post your resumé on a job site, it only works for that site. Amiko allows you to span the job sites, from Monster to Craigslist, just post a link to your Amiko resumé and that's it.

Kite's Portal - KITE, The European mobile worker’s kit

by pvergain
The KITE project was established in the context of the creation and dissemination of the electronic version of Europass, the European Community Framework for the transparency of qualifications and competencies. The contribution of the KITE project to this strategic initiative is to put an emphasis on the person, the control over personal data, and the use of mass-endorsed publication tools as vectors of the Europass-CV. To do so, among other deliverables, Kite is offering an implementation of the Europass-CV, as a plugin of three open source existing weblogs: WordPress, ELGG and Dotclear. With KITE, everybody will be entitled to add to his personal weblog page (blog) a smart extension, based on open standards, to make his own professional profile more accessible, more browsable, searchable through the web. Above all, KITE will make everybody's profile compliant with today's HR standards (HR XML) for easy, fast and convenient European-scale comparison and inclusion in public databases. If transparency is the collective challenge, versatility is the indivudual commitment: using a controlled webprofile for immediate jobsearch, but also for long-term self-valorization and social networking. This website will offer the results of the KITE project : here, you will be able to download this free and powerful tool (and its documentation), as well as studies and reports on the European landscape, actors and projects around internet-improved mobility. Every person interested can join the project today, to take part in the ongoing tests or to evaluate the tool in real-life scenarios after August 2006.

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