Relation Sempai-Kohai - Une vision de l'Aikido
by Takwann2010
Budokai - Artigues
by TakwannCODAM Iaido
by Takwann2009
Académie autonome d'aikido Kobayashi Hirokazu page Académie autonome d'aikido Kobayashi
by TakwannDojo Kun par Nakamura Taizaburo
by TakwannJo 31 kata in 4 directions
by TakwannLe Dôjô, lieu d'édification de la Voie, par Georges Charles
by TakwannThèmes de réflexion - Shinfukan Dojo, Marseille
by Takwannkendokan » Ouvrons la porte du dôjô » CEREMONIAL AU DÔJÔ
by Takwann (via)Dojo - Wikipédia
by Takwann (via)Principes généraux d'étiquette en aïkido
by Takwann (via)2008
Le dôjô: temple ou salle de sport?
by TakwannÉcole de Budo - RAJI Rennes
by TakwannAjaxian » MooTools and Sizzle
by François HodierneValerio Proietti has written a thoughtful post on why MooTools won’t use Sizzle (and tries to argue why other libraries shouldn’t).
I don’t expect every library will drop its own engine and plugin Sizzle right away. However, if done correctly, Sizzle can be an area of collaboration. If it becomes “John’s Library” that is one thing, but you will note that there have already been patches from the Prototype folks and maybe others. Sizzle could be a playground for innovation itself.