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PUBLIC MARKS with tag desmond


Lost’s Desmond Talks Love, Fear and Moving Sideways - PEOPLE TV Watch

by bouilloire (via)
"Recently, there have been reports of actors being injured on set. Has filming really gotten that intense? Michael’s black eye, I must confess, was because of me. We’d already shot [a scene] from many angles, and there was just a lack of concentration on my part and I caught him with my fist. Michael’s been very good–I don’t think he’s told many people that it was me who hit him, but I’ll come clean and say it was. I apologized profusely, and he said, “Don’t even go there. It was just an accident.” But I was like, “Oh my God!”" Desmond wins ! :p


Will *Spoiler* really die on Lost?

by bouilloire
Je mise sur l'episode 17, censé être Desmond centric ce qui le rend très suspect.


Widmore Race Around The World

by bouilloire (via)
Toujours aussi bons en géographie ces Americains (je vous laisse trouver par vous-même) :O)

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last mark : 09/04/2010 10:29