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PUBLIC MARKS with tags design & marketing




The Way of the Dodo — How to Sell 10,000 iPad Cases at $60 Each (and Other Lessons Learned)

by sbrothier & 1 other
Going back to our use first use of a Kindle, we were amazed and excited about the idea of an e-reader. At the same time we started to feel a sense of loss about not holding and reading a good book (despite what one might think, reading is at least in part a tactile thing). While we didn’t act on this feeling on the Kindle as the iPad was announced it was clear that we had to do something. Patrick considered many different types of wood materials to compliment the book element and ultimately decided on bamboo based on its eco appeal and its historic relation to paper.

This Is The Index Page .com

by HK
converse a crée ce site web qui regroupe des vidéos virales postées par les internautes (opération marketing qui a eu un grand succès)



by HK
creative process, marketing for our with web, developers aatists,...and campaigns for clients across NY city around the world

Eduard de Atelier105: premiere réalisation presse immobilier |

by laurentsj
3mille vient de produire son premier cahier “presse” spécialisé, commissionné par magazine. Le travail de réalisation de la maquette a été confié à Eduard Muresan, codirecteur du studio talentueux Atelier105.

Landor: News: Press Releases: Citröen reinvents itself with Landor: 2006-2009

by irols
Paris (February 5, 2009) - Hoping to stand out as driver for change in business, Citröen turned to Landor, the top international branding and design network, for a helping hand. The result? A complete overhaul, introducing cutting-edge deployment tools: the programme established by teams from Citröen and Landor focuses on the promise delivered by the brand’s new signature, "Creative Technology."


L'entreprise s'essaie au marketing participatif - COMMUNICATION

by irols
Les marques cherchent à impliquer leurs clients jusque dans la conception du design, de l'emballage, voire même de la production des produits.

A List Apart: Articles > Sign Up Forms Must Die (en)

by CharlesNepote & 2 others
"Les formulaires d'identification doivent mourir". L'auteur montre les problèmes marketing du formulaire d'inscription (taux de transformation) et propose, à travers plusieurs exemples, de renverser la tendance : permettre à l'utilisateur de tester avant d'être identifié.

10 Trends for Better Email Campaign Design | Emma - Email Marketing in Style | Send HTML Email Newsletters

by irols
What are the top trends in email design for 2008? Emma's editorial team offers up their top 10 for your reading pleasure:

Litmus: Painlessly test your email and website designs

by nhoizey & 9 others
Litmus shows you precisely how your designs will be seen by your customers. We deliver screenshots of your web sites and email newsletters in seconds across all popular platforms.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag design

ad +   advertisement +   coca +   coca-cola +   coke +   cool +   flash +   graphic +   motion +   pub +   video +  

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