June 2008
October 2007
bionicdonkey's bookmarks tagged with "austin" on del.icio.us
by springnetbionicdonkey's items tagged austin → view yours, all, popular
May 2007
April 2007
Why Digg is More Popular than Del.icio.us… Or is it?
by springnetSo, if Del.icio.us stands for Bookmarking, Sharing and Discovery, and Digg stands for Buzz, Partying and Traffic, which service will have a longterm appeal?
February 2007
Tumblelogs (kottke.org)
by springnet & 2 othersA tumblelog is a quick and dirty stream of consciousness, a bit like a remaindered links style linklog but with more than just links. They remind me of an older style of blogging, back when people did sites by hand,
January 2007
popurls | popular urls to the latest web buzz
by springnet & 101 othersdelicious furl flickr and much more
October 2006
joshua's bookmarks tagged with "del.icio.us" on del.icio.us
by springnet"One of the amazing things about our users is how smart and far-reaching their interests are. While delicious previously has been very much about just the data, in the future I hope to allow our users themselves to come forward within the system. Addition
September 2006
OUseful Info: deliShow: A del.icio.us RSS Slide Show
by springnetIf you want to run a slideshow of web pages, fed from a delicous RSS feed, here's a way to do it: http://ouseful.open.ac.uk/deliShow/deliciousUsername/deliciousTag
The Social Bookmarking Faceoff
by springnet & 9 othersThe social bookmarking market is in a steady state with two dominant players - del.icio.us and StumbleUpon. The rest of the pack, including Yahoo MyWeb, appears to be substantially behind. Will they catch up? In this post we attempt to answer that questio
Welcome to Gnosh
by springnet & 2 othersGnosh is a meta-search tool. Think dim sum: Gnosh pulls morsels from all over the web and organizes them on one plate for you.
August 2006
socialmeter report for http://web2.0slides.com/
by springnetranks websites on social bookmarking service
July 2006
del.icio.us stats - deli.ckoma
by springnet & 3 othersStatistic data on number of posts per day. A post is a bookmark a user adds to his collection.Statistic data on number of tags per post. The y-axis depicts how many posts exist with a certain number of tags.
Recommended Firefox Add-ons :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software
by springnet & 1 otherfirefox add ons like stumbleupon and dellicious
Blogmarks.net : Tools
by springnet & 1 other# Get free stuff for Web design - ok # Using a Background Image Grid to Lay Out Your Web Site | Smiley Cat Web Design - ok # FreeSWITCH.org :: Open Source Telephony Project - ok # Seth's Blog: How to live happily with a great designer - ok
(19 marks)