public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "dave winer"




Daring Fireball: The Future of NetNewsWire: An Interview With Brent Simmons and Black Pixel's Daniel Pasco

by night.kame

If Daring Fireball and NetNewsWire are sort-of siblings, then Dave Winer’s work on Scripting News and Frontier are sort-of parents to our work. And we’re not done, and neither is Dave.



Bootstrapping a decentralized Twitter (Scripting News)

by benoit

I always work in bootstrapping mode, addressing the first big issue, solving the problem, then advancing to the next one. It's why so many of the ideas I've worked on have become popular modes of communication. Big-bang approaches always fail. I've spent decades arguing with people who want to reinvent the world in one stroke. They always try anyway and always fail. Bootstrapping is the only way that works.



Transnets, des gadgets aux réseaux: Blogueurs et journalistes: Face à face Dan Gillmor/Dave Winer

by benoit
Un des spectacles les plus amusants de la conférence Future in Review organisée par Mark Anderson (voir ce billet) a été le dialogue entre Dan Gillmor, auteur de We the Media, et Dave Winer auteur du blog le plus ancien sur le web et inventeur du RSS.

.Conforme : Quand RSS deborde

by François Hodierne & 1 other
> parmi les bios des nouveaux membres::, celle de Loïc Le Meur semble quand même un peu ronflante, voir assez gonflée


Winer shuts down comments, gives birth to blogosphere!

by François Hodierne & 2 others
Parce qu'il faut bien remplir le tag "Dave Winer" sur

Workbench: Adam Curry Caught in Sticky Wiki

by François Hodierne & 1 other
> Former MTV veejay and podcasting entrepreneur Adam Curry appears to have been caught anonymously editing the podcasting entry on Wikipedia to remove credit from other people and inflate his role in its creation.

Active users

François Hodierne
last mark : 24/01/2016 20:40

last mark : 09/06/2011 14:10

last mark : 16/01/2009 21:02