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PUBLIC MARKS with tags culture & overviews

December 2006

artists and

by jlesage & 1 other
extended visual, biographical, and textual database of 20th Century and contemporary visual artists

[debates] A Concise Lexicon of / for the Digital Commons

by jlesage
by Raqs Media Collective / September 2001; keywords not usually used by folks in literature and film, yet they will want to enter the fora where these ideas have a formative influence

November 2006

Notes on The Gaze

by jlesage
Daniel Chandler's overview of the use of an important concept in media theory

Jahsonic, a vocabulary of culture

by jlesage
intriguing website taking up themes and critical theories/ists, with many links; check out "index" link on home page

Pierre Bourdieu and taste

by jlesage
overview, with many links; part of a larger, interesting cultural studies site

October 2006

Knowing Knowledge - a photoset on Flickr by George Siemens

by jlesage
for those interested in infoaesthetics, this set of 57 images about aspects of knowledge is a stimulating philosophical exercise and a way to ask students how they might have made an image of similar interacting concepts


by jlesage & 1 other
"Screen" is the British Film Institute's major journal; here look at film and television headings for many short articles and resources about UK film/tv

by jlesage
Essay summarizing differences between modernist and postmodernist thought, useful for grad students, those who want to catch up quickly.

September 2006

IDEA Photographic | After Modernism

by jlesage
a useful and attractive comparison of modernist and postmodernist photography, with explanations and thematic organizations

August 2006

The Observer | Review | Websites that changed the world

by jlesage & 3 others
has interesting information about founding and use of favorite websites; good classroom handout

MPI - Participant Rooms

by jlesage
excellent set of academic online essays related to "global and local factors that enable/constrain cultural production and resignification/resistance by a varierty of media audiences"

Autonomy & Solidarity | Autonomy & Solidarity Network

by jlesage
left journal: change comes from self organization of workers and oppressed groups

Main Page - MarxWiki

by jlesage
developed by a class taught by Kathleen Fitzpatrick - A Better View of Indian Cinema

by jlesage
analytic writing about Indian cinema; a good place to start if you want to start looking at films from India in a serious way

July 2006

Bloglines | About Bloglines

by jlesage
I tried a number of ways to do RSS news feeds but could not get the hang of it. This is a site that keeps a free news aggregator for you. It has an intuitive and practical interface. The disadvantage is that once again I contribute to marketing data co

Welcome to Landscapes of Capital

by jlesage
how space/time (speed), capital and globalization are represented in corporate television advertising, one of the best academic web sites in scope, graphic design, and visual analysis

June 2006

EServer: Cultural Studies and Critical Theory

by jlesage
large bibliography with links to many full text essays--american studies, critical legal studies, literature, marxism, media, popular culture, postcolonialism, queer, race, women's studies

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag culture

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last mark : 01/12/2006 17:21