public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags culturalstudies & education

December 2006

Proceedings of the Athanasius Kircher Society

by jlesage & 2 others
"Our interests extend to the wondrous, the curious, the singular, the esoteric, the arcane, and the sometimes hazy frontier between the plausible and the implausible." a whacky collection

November 2006

MIT communications forum archive

by jlesage
the various programs are on many topics of media and mass communications; available in audio, video, or print format; good overview of contemporary media issues by academics and practitioners

What Can We Do With Flickr? on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

by jlesage
how to create hotspots with popup notes on Flickr. Very useful for image analysis and assignment requiring students to comment on social aspects or formal aspects of image; or to formally critique them.

American Studies Electronic Crossroads

by jlesage
large American Studies web portal, organized into Communities | Curriculum | Technology & Learning | Reference & Research

Design Observer: writings about design & culture

by jlesage & 1 other
very well written blog; as I have commented before, knowing about space and place is crucial for thoughtful mediamakers

(Notes on) Politics, Theory & Photography

by jlesage
blog that reviews and critiques aspects of art and visual culture and photojournalism, often from an ethical standpoint

lens culture: contemporary photography magazine

by jlesage & 4 others
Photographyy internationally: documentary, fine art, photojournalism, lyrical, personal, abstract, human, and street photography. Essays, interviews with photographers, reviews of exhibitions and photo books.

Center for History and New Media

by jlesage & 1 other
extensive site, with resources about historical moments and syllabi, tools for Internet research, and projects undertaken by the Center

Documenting America

by jlesage & 1 other
huge photographic archive from Farm Security Administration-Office of War Information Collection

Invincible Cities

by jlesage
photographic exploration of two poor cities, a combination of Walter Benjamin's interest in traces and overlays with systematic, extensive visual ethnography

walking as knowing as making

by jlesage
a concept of walking = knowledge building sensorially; bibliography of readings linked to here

The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by jlesage
"descriptive list which was created by Georges Polti to categorize every dramatic situation which might occur in a story or performance"; tips for screenwriters looking for ideas

October 2006

Knowing Knowledge - a photoset on Flickr by George Siemens

by jlesage
for those interested in infoaesthetics, this set of 57 images about aspects of knowledge is a stimulating philosophical exercise and a way to ask students how they might have made an image of similar interacting concepts

lecturelinks of Mary Klages

by jlesage
extensive lecture notes on major cultural figures and critical concepts for course Modern Critical Thought

Anxious Libraries

by jlesage
wonderfully designed hypertext project on what libraries might mean today, with all those books few people read; a model of a hypertext exploration of an important intellectual topic course archive

by jlesage
"Archived course Web sites presented "as is," including student work good and bad, sections left un-updated, and typos." Attractive and useful pedagogical use of Internet in teaching.

September 2006

IDEA Photographic | After Modernism

by jlesage
a useful and attractive comparison of modernist and postmodernist photography, with explanations and thematic organizations

August 2006

June 2006

Active users

last mark : 01/12/2006 19:31