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PUBLIC MARKS with tags css & springnet

May 2008

NETTUTS - Web development tutorials and links - Spoonfed Web Tutorials

by springnet & 3 others
NETTUTS is a blog/tutorial site aimed at web designers. We run tutorials on technologies, skills and techniques to improve how you design and build websites. We cover HTML, CSS, Javascript, CMS’s, Simpler Development Examples in PHP and Ruby on Rails, a

Useful Podcasts For Designers And Developers | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine

by springnet
collection of podcasts that are either directly about web design, or would be helpful to a web designer

100+ Open Courseware Collections for Aspiring Web Devs - Web Hosting Unleashed

by springnet
free tutorials and collections from top universities and well-respected websites to train you in areas like web design, graphics and imaging, programming and coding, multimedia, connecting with your audience, and even learning freelancing and entrepreneur

March 2008

Darren Hoyt Dot Com » Blog

by springnet & 1 other
Premium Themes Should Advance the Wordpress Community

mezzoblue § Home

by springnet & 7 others
So here's a not-so-hypothetical question I'd like to put out there: as a designer what are the saleable products one might go about creating?

February 2008

Open Source Templates | Free CSS and XHTML Website Templates

by springnet & 24 others
Welcome to the best free css and xhtml open source template design showcase where the community gets to pick the best designs to be showcased on the front page.

November 2007

September 2007

Snitter: Snook's Twitter -

by springnet & 2 others
I find using the Twitter web site frustrating at times because it doesn't offer up features that I've always felt could be easily added. So, I've gone ahead and built an app with the features that I've always wanted.

May 2007

CleverClogs: OnePipe : the Single-Button Generic Feed Filtering Bookmarklet

by springnet
pointers and tips related to desktop and web alert services, news readers and personal productivity

April 2007

60 best CSS directories you would die to watch! at Witty Sparks

by springnet & 1 other
we came up with a compendium of best CSS directories, CSS showcase, CSS galleries that rank / grade websites (using CSS) on the basis of ‘alexa ranking’, colors, categories, tags, ratings and RSS.

» Links for Web Designers : April

by springnet
Web design, Typography, Code Snippets and Interesting Articles - we digg out the best for you …

CSS Naked Day

by springnet & 4 others
The idea behind this event is to promote Web Standards. Plain and simple. This includes proper use of (x)html, semantic markup, a good hierarchy structure, and of course, a good 'ol play on words. It's time to show off your <body>.

February 2007

December 2006

Cheat Sheet Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby… | Smashing Magazine

by springnet & 26 others
Whether you’ve forgotten the name of a function or the property of a cascading style sheet - handy cheat sheets deliver the information you are looking for - immediately. Most cheat sheets are available as .pdf or .png-files, so you can print them and u

October 2006

Creating a Style-Guide for your site at Drinking Rockstars and Programming

by springnet & 2 others
One thing you'll realize after you do front-end work over an extended period of time, is that you may forget the classes that you defined and end up writing many similar CSS styles. This is typical in any development project, which is why software is trad

September 2006 - The Webmaster's Reference Library - Web Authoring Tips & Tutorials for Developers

by springnet & 8 others
This week you'll learn how to use JavaScript to work with XML data. Topics convered are obtaining XML documents, loading a document from the network, parsing XML text, XML documents from data islands and manipulating XML with the DOM API. By David Flanaga

Frames without frames - Introduction

by springnet & 1 other
This series of pages demonstrate how to recreate all the goodness of frames with not a frame tag in sight. The source order of your elements can be as semantically and pedantically logical as you wish and you can use pixels, ems or percentages to position - all your docs are belong to us - PHP, Perl, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, Ruby, and more

by springnet & 6 others
What languages are included? Right now we have Perl, PHP, JavaScript, HTML DOM, CSS, and MySQL. And we added Ruby to be hip. We're constantly working to add new resources and improve the ones we already have. If you have any suggestions please email us.

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last mark : 16/05/2008 03:21