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PUBLIC MARKS with tag court


COURS - Définition cours

by Dictionnaire
Attention, cours et cour sont deux mots différents. On dit : Un cours de mathématique et une cour d'école. Il y a aussi le verbe courir : Il court très vite ...



Michigan Man Pays $335 Court Fee in Pennies

by herbtarlick
A Michigan man awarded $335 in a small claims court ruling last month was paid in pennies in what the man he sued said was a gesture of contempt.

San Jose Traffic Court

by bl5189e0 & 1 other
Pictures, News And A Lot More.

Tous acteurs tous medias

by loiez
Ce court métrage documentaire s'inscrit dans une réflexion au long cours sur la production de contenu multimedia, les réseaux locaux, le repérage des connaissances et la diffusion de nouvelles pratiques.. A suivre

Court Case Records Retrival

by karlhabe
Before the Internet, it took people specialized training and a whole lot of effort to get access to court records. This information is now easily available on the Internet - it's just a matter of finding it, and putting it together. Previously, you'd need to hire a private investigator, but now, for the first time ever, we've collected together over 100,000 governmental databases for your convenience!

Oklahoma Municipal Court

by bl100bec & 2 others
Pictures, news and a lot more. Information about the municipal court.

Le journal du court

by fredfred
Actualité du court-métrage (amateur)


Border agents plead for 'Christmas pardon'

by jasontromm
A Border Patrol agent sentenced to prison along with his partner for shooting and wounding a man smuggling drugs into the U.S. will appear with a congressman tomorrow at a rally asking President Bush to offer a pardon. Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos, were sentenced to 12 years and 11 years, respectively, in October by U.S. District Court Judge Kathleen Cardone in El Paso, Texas.

Students keep free speech -- even in school talent show

by jasontromm
A federal court has issued an order that will prevent a New Jersey school from censoring students' Christian musical selections in future talent shows. The Alliance Defense Fund said the order comes down in favor of an elementary school student who, when she was a second-grader in May 2005, had been chosen to participate in the competition, and then picked "Awesome God," made famous by the late singer-songwriter Rich Mullins, to perform. Officials at Frenchtown Elementary School denied her permission, a decision endorsed by the board of education, citing not only the song's religious content but its "proselytizing" nature.

==> Le Site du Diaporama Numérique Créatif Court propose le téléchargement gratuit de diaporamas primés dans les festivals

by fotopol
diaporamas en téléchargement libre Le Site du Diaporama Numérique Créatif Court propose le téléchargement gratuit de diaporamas primés dans les festivals

Court rules against ACLU, atheist on San Diego cross

by jasontromm
n a major victory for backers of San Diego's Mt. Soledad cross, an appeals court ruled today in favor of a voter measure that authorized transfer of the land beneath the memorial to the federal government. A panel of justices from the 4th District Court of Appeal ruled 3-0 that Proposition A was constitutional, overturning a decision by Superior Court Judge Patricia Yim Cowett that invalidated the measure. The court also reversed a $275,000 attorney fee award received by an ACLU-backed lawyer for plaintiff Phillip Paulsen, an atheist who died last month.

Production audiovisuelle, réalisation films courts métrages clips et captation concerts par Brice VASSAULT

by thenryg
Production audiovisuelle, réalisation de courts métrages, captation de concerts et films d'entreprise par Brice Vassault jeune monteur réalisateur de talent.

Chroniques américaines

by adrienintheusa (via)
Blog video sur les USA. Découvrez les Etats-Unis et ses habitants grâce à nos videos : culture, films, découvertes, voyages, traditions... Vous verrez tout ! Vous saurez tout !

Jersey same-sex ruling may energize conservatives

by jasontromm
Republican prospects in November's elections are decidedly brighter today as result of the ruling by the New Jersey Supreme Court on same-sex marriage. The court ruled that same sex partners must be granted the same rights and benefits afforded opposite-sex couples under New Jersey's civil marriage statues, but deferred to the state legislature the decision on whether the same sex arrangement should be called marriage. So the court essentially said that same sex partnership walks like a duck, looks like a duck and should be granted all the rights and benefits of a duck, but concluded it didn't have the authority to call it a duck.

School Officials Threaten Seventh Grader for Reading Bible

by jasontromm (via)
Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute have filed a civil rights lawsuit in defense of the First and Fourteenth Amendment rights of a seventh grader who was ordered by Maryland middle school officials to stop reading her Bible during free time at school or face disciplinary action. Institute attorneys have asked the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland to declare that prohibiting students from reading Bibles or other religious texts during their free time is unconstitutional.

Court favors Christian literature on campus

by jasontromm
A federal court of appeals unanimously struck down a Florida school board policy barring students from distributing religious literature on campus. Represented by the public-interest group Liberty Counsel, student Michelle Heinkel of Cypress Lake Middle School in Fort Myers had sought permission to distribute religious and pro-life literature about the "Day of Remembrance," set aside to remember unborn children killed by abortion.

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