public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags community & blogs

March 2008

February 2008

January 2008

November 2007

J. LeRoy's Evolving Web

by springnet
I'm Living In My Tabset I noticed today that Windows XP pretty much confirms that I no longer use desktop applications like I used to. This is

October 2007

We | discover the world - Reiseportal und -community

by giselher (via)
Die Reisecommunity We | discover the world ist eine Gemeinschaft für Reisebegeisterte mit übersichtlicher Navigation und zahlreichen Funktionen. Neben der Möglichkeit kostenlos sein eigenes Reiseprofil anzulegen, gibt es verschiedene Fotogalerien mit thematischen Alben und einem Kommentar und Bewertungsbereich, Blogs, Forum, Eventkalender, Downloadbereich und vieles mehr zum interaktiven Erfahrugsaustausch. Neu integriert wurde auch ein Portalbereich mit einer stetig wachsenden Anzahl Links zu interessanten Sites rund um das Thema Reisen. Für die Reiseplanung gibt es in den Service- und Guide Bereichen viele Infos und Tipps zur Vorbereitung. Ein Besuch lohnt sich - frei nach dem Motto der Site: We | discover the world together!

May 2007

April 2007


by auction
Welkom op Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris . Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris huishoudelijke-regelement-flat geeft u uit diverse bronnen actueel nieuws en links op het gebied van huishoudelijke-regelement-flat. Zo toont Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris huishoudelijke-re

March 2007

Affinitiz, blogs and communities

by cyberien & 2 others (via)
Affinitiz is a publishing platform that allows you to easily share all your contents on Internet (text, pictures, video, audio, opinions, polls, events...)

January 2007

by lapp32
WWW.VOIS.COM Come visit the newest Social Network on the web! Meet singles, have fun, do business, make friends, find romance, promote yourself connect! The most fun on the internet that's totally free!

December 2006

NewsGator - NewsGator Community Publisher

by cyberien
Harness the Power of Community Publishing. Want to create an interactive dialogue with your readers? With NewsGator Community Publisher, you can leverage the contributions from members of your community. Create entirely new branded communities or add new sections to existing communities using content created via blogs and wikis, and then deliver this information, along with thousands of potential RSS feeds through Web-based, desktop and mobile RSS readers. A host of administration capabilities are included allowing you to make extensive use of the valuable content that is created. Well beyond simple aggregation of things like recent posts, most commented, etc., into a portal, you can build entire web properties out of customer generated content or even select specific content to augment information on any of your existing web properties. Extensive reporting, advertising, aggregation and syndication features allow you to use the content across your web properties in any way that you'd like, thereby creating exciting new marketing, promotional and even revenue generating opportunities. This integration of NewsGator's Private Label Platform with iUpload's Customer Conversation System is the only enterprise class solution available. Key Benefits * Two-way dialogue with your readers * Increased page views, stickiness and advertising opportunities * Greater customer loyalty and retention Key Features * Completely branded template libraries and user interfaces * Turnkey, hosted platform running under your domain * Support for public and private communities * Advanced Editorial/Approval Mechanism * Integrated Ad Serving/Management

Why They Sing

by rawrrawr
A new forum with a lot of fun things to do like a retro arcade, gallery, blogspot, and even it's own image uploader.

November 2006

September 2006


by springnet & 5 others
the next big story in technology may reside on a blog you've never heard of or a news site you don't have time to scan. So these folks built a software agent to surface these links in real time and the result is Techmeme... takes most trafficed blog posts

August 2006

July 2006

June 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag community

Bootstrapping +   legal +   music +   p2p +   software +   vc +  

Active users

last mark : 09/03/2008 19:50

last mark : 16/01/2008 15:20

last mark : 25/11/2007 03:29

last mark : 24/10/2007 12:33

last mark : 12/04/2007 10:03

last mark : 09/04/2007 01:35

last mark : 05/04/2007 11:06

last mark : 28/03/2007 03:59

last mark : 23/03/2007 01:08

last mark : 22/01/2007 17:23

last mark : 18/01/2007 13:57

last mark : 06/12/2006 03:39

last mark : 03/12/2006 14:04

last mark : 27/11/2006 19:58

last mark : 17/11/2006 09:50

last mark : 05/07/2006 09:51

last mark : 06/06/2006 15:46