10 December 2005
LinkedIn Home - an online network of more than 4.2 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 130 industries.
by macroron & 1 otherFind potential clients, service providers, subject experts, and partners who come recommended. find business opportunities. search for great jobs. discover inside connections that can help you land jobs and close deals. * Post and distribute job list
07 December 2005
Squidoo: My Squidoo
by macroronA lens is one person's (lensmaster's) view on a topic he cares about. More specifically, a lens is a single web page filled with information and links that point to other web pages, to continually updated RSS feeds, or to relevant advertising. It's a plac
Squidoo: Tag Clouds
by macroronA lens is one person's (lensmaster's) view on a topic he cares about. More specifically, a lens is a single web page filled with information and links that point to other web pages, to continually updated RSS feeds, or to relevant advertising. It's a plac
Squidoo Front
by macroron & 20 othersA lens is one person's (lensmaster's) view on a topic he cares about. More specifically, a lens is a single web page filled with information and links that point to other web pages, to continually updated RSS feeds, or to relevant advertising. It's a plac
01 December 2005
23 November 2005
Noodly.com - it's totally Web 2.0!
by macroron & 2 othersa new service harnessing the power of user-generated content. It is due to launch in early 2006.
21 November 2005
SWiK: Tag: Del.icio.us ~Alex Bosworth, designer of SWiK.
by macroronDel.icio.us Tool-Services info+
SWiK Front - The Open Software Wiki anyone can edit.
by macroron & 35 othersA Wiki for every open source project. Read developer blogs or add your own. Tag everything, browse by others' tags.
04 November 2005
Creative Commons Home
by macroron & 45 others, 1 commenta nonprofit organization that offers flexible copyright licenses for creative works
(14 marks)