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Google : un mystère fascinant et bien gardé

by holyver (via)
L’infrastructure utilisée par le géant de la recherche Google est un mystère que beaucoup aimeraient percer, que ce soit les concurrents ou les utilisateurs étonnés de la réactivité sans faille des services malgré un nombre d’utilisateurs record.

Google Architecture | High Scalability

by holyver & 1 other (via)
Google is the King of scalability. Everyone knows Google for their large, sophisticated, and fast searching, but they don't just shine in search. Their platform approach to building scalable applications allows them to roll out internet scale applications at an alarmingly high competition crushing rate. Their goal is always to build a higher performing higher scaling infrastructure to support their products. How do they do that?


KarKomaOnline - Implementing High Availability in MySQL

by holyver & 2 others (via)
MySQL provides a built-in data replication functionality for maintaining identical copies of its data to one or more backend servers, thus providing a simple High Availability mechanism. On the other hand, the Open Source community has several projects to implement failover techniques, being one of them Heartbeat. This article will show you how to implement a clustered, highly available and inexpensive solution based on GNU/Linux and combining MySQL as the database engine and Heartbeat as the failover mechanism. The configuration will consist of a 2-node active/passive cluster.

Mise en place d'un Cluster Vmware ESX 3 en environnement SAN

by holyver
# 1 Présentation de VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3 * 1.1 ESX Server 3 * 1.2 VMware Virtual Center 2 * 1.3 Consolidated Backup # 2 Infrastructure requise * 2.1 Schéma général d'un infrastructure complète * 2.2 Réseaux * 2.2 SAN * 2.3 Sauvegardes # 3 Installation des serveurs physiques * 3.1 VMware ESX 3 * 3.2 Virtual Center * 3.3 Consolidated Backup # 4 Démonstration des fonctionnalités offertes * 4.1 Sécurisation des données * 4.2 VMotion * 4.3 VMware DRS * 4.4 VMware HA # Conclusion

Know your clustering architectures - Builder UK

by holyver
Enterprise application (EA) architects often face challenges in designing scalable applications that can accommodate a growing number of users and provide 24/7 availability. In this article, I’ll explain the meaning of scalability and availability in EA and explore different architectures for achieving them.

Cluster Architectures

by holyver (via)
This following sections describe alternative architectures for a WebLogic Server cluster: * Architectural and Cluster Terminology * Recommended Basic Architecture * Recommended Multi-Tier Architecture * Recommended Proxy Architectures * Security Options for Cluster Architectures

Peeking Into Google

by dcancel & 3 others
The key to the speed and reliability of Google search is cutting up data into chunks, its top engineer said. Urs Hoelzle, Google vice president of operations and vice president of engineering, offered a rare behind-the-scenes tour of Google's architecture

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