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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "charte graphique" & webdesign


Portfolio de Sonia VAN BELLEGEM alias sovanb, graphiste plurimédia

by sovanb & 1 other
Portfolio de Sonia VAN BELLEGEM alias sovanb, graphiste freelance à Montpellier, Béziers, Sète, Paris - Design web et mobile, Communication graphique, illustration


Studio Multimédia : Agence Web Lyon

by megalo
Studio Multimédia est une agence multimédia Lyonnaise spécialisée dans la création de sites Internet répondant aux recommandations du W3C, maitrisant toute la chaîne graphique, technique et marketing. Notre Agence vous accompagnera dans toutes vos démarches pour la réalisation de tous vos projets multimédias : création site e-commerce, vitrine, intranet, extranet, animations 3d, e-communication, e-mailing, charte graphique, logotype, flyers, leaflet, brochures

Studio Multimédia Lyon

by Agence Web Lyon
Studio Multimédia Lyonnais réalisant de magnifiques sites, le tout, conforme aux recommandations du w3c !


Fauxto... like photo.

by sebastien & 33 others (via)
"Voici un éditeur d’image en ligne très réussi et qui pousse la ressemblance avec Photoshop assez loin : palettes, calques, outils, coordonnées… Bluffant !"

Colorblind Web Page Filter

by sebastien & 17 others
'd like to express my appreciation to for donating a dedicated server to host this utility. Use the colorblind colorlab to select safe colors earlier in the design process. Learn more about colorblindness in this Wikipedia entry. This tool is still in development, but feedback is welcome while I work on it. If you only use one filter, use the grayscale filter which will not only point out potential problem areas, but will also let you see more clearly which areas the filter is unable to process.

CSS-Based Forms: Modern Solutions | Smashing Magazine

by sebastien & 40 others
In Web 2.0 registration and feedback forms can be found everywhere. Every start-up tries to attract visitors’ attention, so web-forms are becoming more and more important for the success of ??? company. In the end, exactly those web-forms are responsible for the first contact with potential customers. Let’s take a look, which modern solutions a web-developer can use, designing his/her next css-based form.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "charte graphique"

agence +   branding +   identité visuelle +   london +   portfolio +   print +   tokyo +  

Active users

last mark : 24/05/2012 22:01

Conseil.Net Groupe I.D.A
last mark : 16/03/2007 19:56

last mark : 13/03/2007 21:35

Agence Web Lyon
last mark : 06/02/2007 21:33

last mark : 21/12/2006 20:10