October 2009
Developer's Guide - Google Chart API - Google Code
by ycc2106The Google Chart API lets you dynamically generate charts. To see the Chart API in action, open up a browser window and copy the following URL into the address bar: http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=p3
August 2009
May 2009
Axiis : Data Visualization Framework
by Xavier Lacot & 1 otherAxiis is an open source data visualization framework designed for beginner and expert developers alike. Built upon the Degrafa graphics framework and Adobe Flex 3, it provides a nice way for displaying clean charts.
February 2009
JS charts – The free JavaScript chart generator
by Xavier Lacot & 6 othersAnother js charting library. But this one doesn't use canvas nor SVG, it creates png as dataurls, and seems rather fast. The main forepoint is that it works out of the box in most of the browsers of the market.
(4 marks)