public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags brain & review

March 2007

Staying Young Means Keeping Active – Mind and Body

by hollydodd
In my work I help a lot of senior citizens. It’s always amazing to me when I meet one that is so young and vibrant looking. Time and time these cool people tell me that one of the main reasons they are doing so well is because they keep their minds active with hobbies like reading, word puzzles and even learning a second language.

July 2006


by YukuanBlog

June 2006

On Intelligence

by YukuanBlog
《創智慧》,原書《On Intelligence》,作者 Hawkins 提出一套大腦新皮質(neocortex)運作的理論:

Active users

last mark : 30/03/2007 15:58

last mark : 26/07/2006 15:33