public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag botnet


Another Massive DDoS Closes Out 2016, But Mirai Not To Blame

by alamat & 1 other (via)
This past year has been one for the record books when it comes to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, so it is only proper that 2016 closes out with news of another massive DDoS attack, reported by Imperva researchers. According to them, the Imperva Incapsula network was forced to mitigate a 650 Gbps DDoS attack just a few days before Christmas.


TheCricLinks: Stuxnet, un ver d'origine israélienne ? - Le Monde Informatique

by TheCric (via)
Tuxnet capable de prendre le contrôle de système vitaux est le ver informatique le plus inquiétant de tout les temps - The botnet ecosystem

by JJL (via)
With the appearance of botnets, criminal gangs have gained access to millions of infected computers and the number of cybercrimes committed has risen sharply. Although the majority of Internet users understand that zombie networks pose a serious threat, many do not know how or why botnets are created and maintained.


Inside BBC's Chimera botnet | Zero Day |

by brianwaustin
"Earlier this month, the controversial BBC purchase of a botnet and modifying the infected hosts in the name of “public interest” sparked a lot of debate on the pros and cons of their action. Condemned by certain security vendors, and naturally, at least from guerrilla PR perspective, applauded and encouraged as a awareness raising tactic by others, the discussion shifted from technical to moral and legal debate, leaving a single question unanswered - what is the name of the botnet that the BBC rented and what’s so special about it?



by devloop
mwcollect est un honeypot destiné à la surveillance des malwares circulant sur le réseau Internet.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag botnet

assault +   attack +   big brother +   cybercrime +   ddos +   devices +   dns +   hackers +   honeypot +   informatique +   IoT +   linux +   mirai +   pc +   security +   sécurité +   sécurité informatique +   spyware +   virus +   worms +  

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