March 2008
January 2008
Scripted Re-Mark - Batch Editor for Bookmarks
by springnet & 2 othersmanage your bookmarks stored at one hit batch mode re-tag bookmarks en masse, make wholesale changes to URLs or update descriptions in bulk. toggle public/private sharing settings and mass delete bookmarks.
December 2007
The Big Boys of Social Bookmarking - The Top 24 Sites » 10e20 - Search, Design & Social
by springnetthe folks over at eBizMBA have put together a list of the top 20 social bookmarking sites. They based their results on data on a combination of and Quantcast data
Submit Multiple URLs to Bookmarks as a Batch at Digital Inspiration
by springnetImagine you have hundreds (or even thousands) of webpage URLs that you want to upload to your account. How would do this bulk submit when the delicious system allows you to bookmark web pages one at a time ?
October 2007
May 2007
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Sites May 2007 | eBizMBA
by springnetHere are the top 20 largest social bookmarking sites ranked by a combination of Compete and Quantcast data. For each site, we show unique U.S. monthly visitor data as well as respective rank.
Web Worker Daily » Blog Archive 8 Tips for Better Bookmarking «
by springnettips for better bookmarking with
(8 marks)