March 2007
October 2006
我該如何在不同的帳戶之間搬移 blog?
by YukuanMark首先,假設您的帳戶叫做 BloggerUno 和 BloggerDos。 在 BloggerUno 帳戶中您擁有兩個 blog,而在 BloggerDos 中則有一個叫做「我愛 Blogger」的 blog。 下列步驟會告訴您如何將 BloggerDos 中的單一 blog 搬移至 B
January 2006
Social Bookmarking Links for your Post Footer - Freshblog
by YukuanMarkIn another post-footer makeover, I have added Simpy, Blinklist, Digg and (rather optimistically, I thought) Slashdot to your list of bookmarking options, which still includes and Furl. Now you can bookmark Freshblog posts on any of those servi
Categorize for Blogger
by YukuanBlog & 1 other用 Blogger 來寫網誌的好處是自由,可以自訂格式,可以一個帳號管理多個 blogs 。缺點是很多東西都要捲起袖子來自己動手作,別家有提供的一些基本的東東,例如網誌分類(Categorize)等,Blogger 都繳了白卷。
Guest Book, and then?
by YukuanBlog這兩天陸續補充 Blogger 的不足,捲起袖子來為它妝點門面:為每篇文章加了引用(Trackbacks)的 link ;在 sidebar 的下方加了一個酷酷的圖,叫做 ClustrMaps ;添增了訪客簽名簿(Guest Book)方便訪客簽名留言、說些悄悄話。
A Consuming Experience: How to include categories for your blog (manual, expand-collapse)
by YukuanMarkThis post explains how to include expand/collapse or show/hide categories (and even sub-categories) in your blog, i.e. listings of your old posts classified under topic or subtopic, as you can see in my sidebar (the "Posts from this blog on" section). It
Greasemonkey Script updated to work with BlogThis! - Freshblog
by YukuanMarkMany thanks to Johan, who has revised his excellent Greasemonkey Tagging Script to interface with the new Blogger Blogthis! It sounds like it was abig deal because blogger shook things up in the back room when they redid the tool.
Blogger Blogthis! Upgrade - Freshblog
by YukuanMarkLooks like Blogthis! got an upgrade? I almost fell off my chair tonight when I was presented with a full range of rich-text editing options and an interface that looks & feels very much like being logged into your regular account. Pretty slick!!
Backing up your Blogger blogs
by YukuanMark & 1 othern response to a question from Hans Persson today on how to back up all of one's Blogger blog posts, I did some quick research into the topic, after recalling something I had seen about the Blogger Atom API.
December 2005
Another Comment Feed Hack - Freshblog
by YukuanMarkIf you are using, go to Settings - Comments - and type your rss open email address in the field called "Comment Notification Address". Or create a google group for the purpose and add [email protected] email address. Each public
Tag Adder Bug Knocked Out - Freshblog
by YukuanMark (via)Jasper reports that he's modified the Browservulsel tag-adder script so that it will now paste tags into the compose side of the window as well as the edit posts side. Awesome. The longer we go, the more integrated the tools get. Spectacular.
The Alliance: Blogger "Open Trackbacks"?
by YukuanMarks & 1 other<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- id="<$BlogItemNumber$>"; var TBNum=TBCount(id); if (TBNum) { var frameH=250+100*TBNum; var maxH=1000; if (frameH > maxH) frameH=maxH; document.write("<iframe "); document.write("src='"); docu
The Alliance: Blogger "Open Trackbacks"?
by YukuanMark & 1 other<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- id="<$BlogItemNumber$>"; var TBNum=TBCount(id); if (TBNum) { var frameH=250+100*TBNum; var maxH=1000; if (frameH > maxH) frameH=maxH; document.write("<iframe "); document.write("src='"); docu