public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags blogs & composition

November 2006

Poynter Online - Writing Tools

by jlesage
50 writing tools, a quick list; we can all benefit from these

Zensufi Park

by jlesage
Zen/sufi stories help those with writer's block or pinned down to traditional narrative arcs

October 2006

Peter Murphy's Panoramic VR Weblog

by jlesage
panoramic pictures and social context; often witty in their detail


by jlesage
well written, much about pedagogy and digital culture, blogging

June 2006

Weblogs: Learning in Public

by jlesage
essay Jill Walker, pioneer in newmedia in education

August 2005

Atomic Poet

by atomicpoet
Hi there! Welcome to my poetry blog. Over here, I hope you will discover pictures painted with words, feelings and deep longings articulated, and thoughts splashed with colour.

Active users

last mark : 19/11/2006 23:35

last mark : 21/08/2005 17:48