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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & work







2008 » Blog Archive » Demotivating a (Good) Programmer

by greut

Developers hate three things, above all else, in increasing order of painfulness…

  1. Working on stuff that is easy
  2. Working on stuff that is tangential
  3. Working on stuff that no one will use

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Seth's Blog: Thinking bigger

by greut

The bigger point is that none of us are doing enough to challenge the assignment. Every day, I spend at least an hour of my time looking at my work and what I've chosen to do next and wonder, "is this big enough?"

how big can you think?

A VC: Thinking About Groups

by greut

Determine a basic need -> Create a service that satisfies it in the simplest way possible -> Open it up

it sounds all right to me too.

Comet Daily » Blog Archive » The Future of Comet: Part 2, HTML 5’s Server-Sent Events

by greut

Comet doesn’t have to be a hack. Currently, as we saw last time, Comet relies on undocumented loopholes and workarounds, each one with some drawbacks. We can make Comet work effectively in every browser, using streaming transports on subdomains of the same second-level domain, or using script tag long polling across domains. But this leaves Comet developers implementing (and more frustratingly, debugging) several transports across several browsers. Traps are numerous and easy to stumble into.

event-source is the future of all Comet things.

m mi works : blog : on interaction architecture

by greut

Not a line I draw ends up on an end‑user screen. Not a word I write is compiled into code. Not a sentence I say instructs users. I draw, write and talk to enable the specialists I work with to excel at what they do and realise inspiring software for my clients.

I’m not a graphic designer, I am an interaction architect.

ISO50 - The Visual Work of Scott Hansen

by 4004
Blog Archive » ISO50 Obama Print Out Now


International Egg Art Guild

by linebox
Association of artists, artisans, and craftspeople who work with natural eggs (yes, real eggs) as an art or folk art medium.

raganwald: Bricks

by greut
software is not made of bricks

ElectronNews », renaissance web2.0

by greut
this little baby goes live. I putted some bits from my brain in it...

Drown by Debt

by ieee1294
A personal blog, similar to nevblog, that's tracking my fighting and getting out of debt. Includes tips and other information on how I'm fighting it, as well as resources that I use to educate myself on debt. Also includes other personal and business related issues.

Internet Marketing Portugal

by dias (via)
esquillo seocontest, o primeiro seocontest em lingua portuguesa, ficou um dos blogs de apoio que transformei num apoio de marketing


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