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Blog turismo, viaggi e vacanze

by rfilippini
Visita il nuovo sito blog dedicato al turismo, viaggi e vacanze con molte interessanti curiosità, informazioni utili e consigli per gli amanti delle vacanze in Italia e nel mondo.



by MarieS & 1 other
Im Reiseblog von Citytourist findet man viele nützliche Reisetipps zu Reisezielen und Reisevorbereitung




by blogsir
If you are travelling the world or planning to do so, sign up with myMapBlog to let your family and friends know where you are.


We | discover the world - Reiseportal und -community

by giselher (via)
Die Reisecommunity We | discover the world ist eine Gemeinschaft für Reisebegeisterte mit übersichtlicher Navigation und zahlreichen Funktionen. Neben der Möglichkeit kostenlos sein eigenes Reiseprofil anzulegen, gibt es verschiedene Fotogalerien mit thematischen Alben und einem Kommentar und Bewertungsbereich, Blogs, Forum, Eventkalender, Downloadbereich und vieles mehr zum interaktiven Erfahrugsaustausch. Neu integriert wurde auch ein Portalbereich mit einer stetig wachsenden Anzahl Links zu interessanten Sites rund um das Thema Reisen. Für die Reiseplanung gibt es in den Service- und Guide Bereichen viele Infos und Tipps zur Vorbereitung. Ein Besuch lohnt sich - frei nach dem Motto der Site: We | discover the world together!

Coorg Blog

by ronypj
Blog dedicated to Coorg. Get to know all happenings, hot spots, places of interest, hotels & resorts in and around Coorg

Around the World in 80 Days: A Travel Blog by Conde Nast Traveler at

by wiredsetman
On March 5th, my budget was a strong, vigorous and ready to tackle the world. It had known only good times in its short life, (see here, here, and here; ed.) and in those sweet, carefree days my budget's might was exceeded only by its innocence. Seventy-eight days later, my budget was drawn and gaunt, emaciated, starving, dehydrated and on the verge of expiration. It hadn't had sustenance since Mongolia, when my hotel reimbursed me $10 for an inadvertent overcharge. Since then, nothing. Three days ago, its teeth started falling out. My budget had come down with scurvy.

Around the World in 80 Days: A Travel Blog by Conde Nast Traveler at

by wiredsetman
Day 78: A shout out to my man Francis, that rare breed of waiter who knows how to call a spade a spade. Francis demonstrated this exceptional ability last night at dinner. I was flummoxed, unable to decide what to choose as an appetizer, and so I put the following question to Francis: "How about the Atlantic seafood tian? Is it any good?" His answer: "Not really." Boom. An honest answer from an honest man.

Around the World in 80 Days: A Travel Blog by Conde Nast Traveler at

by wiredsetman
Things started going wrong for Florence about a thousand years ago, when a very important man named Hugo--a margrave, no less--decided he wanted to live in Florence instead of the then capital, Lucca, a decision which brought on a period known as The Golden Age of Florentine Art. Half a millennium later, A guy named Lorenzo di Medici started running the show and throwing serious money at local artists like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci (best known for his thrilling novel, "The Da Vinci Code") and Botticelli. Pretty soon, all the talk was about Florence: The architecture! The paintings! The sculptures! The ravioli!

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