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Cliffski's Blog | How to stay motivated whilst programming a game

by sylvainulg (via)
On a related note, save up some ‘fun’ coding for when motivation is low. Feeling keen? code the save game system and the options menu. Get them out of the way.




Thoduv’s devblog » Blog Archive » Vidage de poubelle 3: ndsim

by sylvainulg
pas mal de libs intéressantes utilisées : dstype (truetypes), multi-threading software par Tim Seidel, chargement de plugin (inspiré de Moonshell) ...

Trails of EasyExtend » Blog Archive » Guido is my problem - Projects and projections

by greut

Our software is as brittle as 15-20 years ago. Reusable objects and framework superstructures have failed. UML has failed. Even design pattern have failed as they turned out to be more idiomatic than universal. What’s left are lightweight programming languages which let us glue things together. Some are user friendly and don’t suck badly. That’s still the best we have.

Lua, are you there?


SPARQLScript - Semantic Mashups made easy - benjamin nowack's blog

by greut

a script that integrates status notices from my twitter and feeds, and then creates an HTML "lifestream" snippet.

a SPARQL-based scripting language.

Real World Haskell » Blog Archive » CUFP 2007 videos now easier to view

by greut

[…] the recorded sessions from last year’s Commercial Users of Functional Programming are now up in conveniently viewable form on Google Video.

Erlang, F#, ...

Ayman Hourieh's Blog

by springnet
thoughts on Open Source software, Computer Science, and various bits from my life and the web.

The single most important thing you must do to improve your programming career

by greut & 1 other

The single most important thing you must do to improve your programming career is improve your ability to communicate.

with a MacIntosh presentation, they didn't really change over the years.

Bilou HomeBrew's Blog: modplayer

by sylvainulg
I'm starting a serie of articles on extending 0xtob's XM module player on the nintendo DS with more effects. -- Une petite série d'articles où j'ajoute le support de différents effets (portamento, vibrato, tempo/speed, etc.) à la bibliothèque libntxm sur nintendo DS

Amy Editor - A Collaborative Text and Source Code Editor for Developers

by camel & 1 other
Core features * Works in your browser (*) * Support for any programming language (**) * Unlimited number of views for one document * Smart code snippets * Full internationalization * Real-time document collaboration * Programmable bundles with Editor * Various color themes * Remote commands, text manipulation * Supports opening documents via FTP, WebDAV, local computer, customized projects and various blog APIs * Easily embeddable to your own page * Host computer clipboard integration (*) Amy can be comfortably run on Safari and Gecko-based browsers (Firefox, Camino, Seamonkey,...) on any OS. It's runnable on Internet Explorer 6,7 and Opera 9 , but it's not officially supported and user experience may not be pleasant. (**) Languages are supported through bundles. It's very easy to add support for your favorite language (and/or dialects). Currently implemented are C, C , C#, JavaScript, Ruby (on Rails), PHP, Java, Texy and HTML. Text editing features * Syntax highlighting * Smart indentation for each language * Code folding * Bookmarks * Word completion * Insert/Overwrite mode * Unlimited undo/redo * Intelligent character pairing * Customizable key shortcuts (*)


steve dekorte - blog

by greut

Let's see what happens when we introduce a seed of bad code into an organization

and it grows like a cancer.

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