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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & myspace

August 2008

FlashAndLayouts - Free Flash Comments And Layouts

by soul1383
FlashAndLayouts is a collection of Flash Testimonials and Layouts, Flash animation that can be used in Friendster, myspace, blogs and other social networking websites.

December 2007

L'oeil du Cyclope : un regard 2.0 sur le web

by darkam
Blog ayant pour thème l'actualité des réseaux sociaux et sites communautaires comme Facebook ou Myspace, l'identité numérique, les communautés virtuelles comme Second Life, le développement du web 2.0 (qu'on appel aussi web participatif, type Wikipedia ), toutes les formes du marketing digital ou emarketing (campagnes web onlines, sites de type viral par exemple), des outils web (referencement sous Google en particulier) des vidéos intéressantes qui font le tour de la blogosphère actuellement et un brin de news sur les jeux vidéo (console Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360 ou Playstation 3). Bienvenue sur l'oeil du Cyclope et bonne lecture !

USA : en fuite depuis 11 ans, elle s'affiche sur MySpace

by kooolman
"avec des photos où on la verrait faire la fête, et, ce qui serait plus maladroit, elle aurait affiché une vidéo parodiant Paris Hilton à propos de la conduite en état d'ivresse avec une citation disant "La vie est trop courte, profitons en"."

September 2007

August 2007

July 2007

Tom Morris » Blog Archive » XPath: MySpace

by ronpish
Want to get data out of MySpace? Here are the XPath strings you need to extract data from a MySpace profile:

May 2007

April 2007

SANJAYA Thanks You - YouTube

by SaintJaya (via)
SANJAYA a big Thank You A joy to find this Mohawk. To vote or not to vote, that is the question.

Sanjaya Malakar Besame Mucho

by SaintJaya (via)
Sanjaya Malakar Besame Mucho 3D Version, American Idol Top 8, Latin Jennifer Lopez, Shyamali

MySpace prank gone bad leads to misuse of school resources, multiple lawsuits

by herbtarlick
A Pennsylvania principal has filed suit against some of his former students after they created fake and demeaning MySpace profiles about him back in 2005. Ars looks at the whole, sordid mess.


by SaintJaya (via)
Sanjaya Malakar is a contestant on American Idol. A blog dedicated to Sanjaya and American Idol.

March 2007

Bush is Committed - Politics & Government Jokes - JibJab

by Gizmoz & 1 other (via)
Joke Originally Submitted by: aasimpy. "I made this over at - took a few minutes, and then I added in the flash bulbs and other audio fx on my own. The joke was from Letterman."

Mark G Roberts’s Blog

by markus66 (via)
A Blog to Show You The Change in Internet Marketing, and Where you need to Invest your Time and Money

The "OFFICIAL WHIZ" on MySpace

by Whiz (via)
Looking for "The Whiz" look no further. A lot of people are looking for Whiz, but can't find him in the midst of all the wanna-bees on myspace. No worries. Myspace has room for all, Communities of people are looking for any actual Whiz Info, very often in vain, but Whiz can be found! Just be tenacious in your search. Do not get WIZed-OFF, be patient. - take a hit, pass it on

by cyberien (via)
make your myspace, blog or site rock! share, sell anywhere


by discret
alternative française en Web2.0 à Myspace le leader mondial reseau social gratuit > l am Lonelygirl15 Hear my Story

by Gizmoz, 1 comment (via)
LonelyGirl15 - the YouTube celebrity tells the truth about herself. If all she did was tell her story... but she includes a threat to sum it up! She's got some nerve!

Nicolas Sarkozy bientôt sur MySpace - Le Blog de Netpolitique

Dès vendredi, c'est Nicolas Sarkozy qui devrait tenter l'expérience MySpace, en y ouvrant sa page personnelle, comme le signale le blog des militants UMP de Haute Loire.

February 2007

Backstory: Why Minnesotans don't wear long underwear

by JomeiKujo & 1 other
When the temperature reaches a certain point, only meteorologists care how much colder it gets.

Customizing Your Myspace Blog

by webgratuito
Online blogs are rapidly replacing diaries and journals, like emails that lessen the quantity of snail mails over the years. Writing blog appears to be a bit more conservative, yet much faster and convenient. MySpace gives plenty of options for their members to use on their online blog, as well as the ability to modify the appearance that will suit the individual's character ...

Video and Photo Sharing

by tobascochick & 1 other
Share videos and photos from your camera and mobile phone all in one place. Post images and clips to MySpace, eBay, and blogs.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag blog

***** +   2008 +   buzz +   springnet +   springnet blogmarks +   sxsw +   tweeets +   twitter +  

Active users

last mark : 06/08/2008 07:27

last mark : 05/08/2008 04:10

last mark : 02/01/2008 10:38

last mark : 02/12/2007 10:55

last mark : 03/08/2007 15:12

last mark : 11/07/2007 10:12

last mark : 15/04/2007 23:44

last mark : 11/04/2007 18:17

last mark : 29/03/2007 02:06

last mark : 25/03/2007 06:20

last mark : 07/05/2010 18:13

last mark : 20/03/2007 15:04
last mark : 07/03/2007 12:32

last mark : 21/02/2007 06:37

last mark : 14/02/2007 21:02

last mark : 10/02/2007 01:23

last mark : 01/02/2007 18:25