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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & interface


Fluency Admin 2.1 «

by sbrothier & 2 others, 2 comments
he all-new version of Fluency, now compatible with WordPress 2.8. Now with support for the showing/hiding admin menu and the Classic/Blue color scheme.

Apostrophe Now!

by sbrothier & 5 others
Apostrophe™ is a content management system designed for maximum flexibility with a minimal learning curve. The interface is ergonomic, all content-editing is performed in-context.

Rendre facilement un site visible depuis un mobile

by Giraultises & 1 other (via)
Mobtimizer est un service et une interface très simple qui vous permettra de simplifier le rendu d'un site pour qu'il soit "compatible" avec l'écran d'un mobile. Il vous suffira d'entrer l'URL et Mobtimizer s'occupe du reste.

Blog comments design considerations

by piouPiouM
Réfexions sur la structure et le design des commentaires d'un blog.


Build a Website - Create a Blog - Squarespace

by sbrothier (via)
Squarespace is a unique publishing system for websites and blogs

disambiguity » About

by sbrothier & 2 others
This blog is where I share what I’m passionate about and what’s currently got my attention in the realm of User Experience (UX), User Centred Design (UCD), Information Architecture (IA), Interaction Design (IxD), and Usability. I’m particularly interested in where these things intersect with Social Design and have a great interest in how social environments online shape us and how we shape them, and how we as designers should be getting involved in improving our social experience online. My name is Leisa Reichelt. I do freelance contextual research and user centred design. I’m based in London but have quite a bit of experience working remotely.

Firmware iPod Classic pour iPod 5G

by jerome
Mettre le firmware iPod 6G sur votre iPod 5G ou 5.5G

Hebi Flash Blog

by julien.c & 5 others
"Blog axé avant tout sur des thèmes qui me sont chers : design, interfaces, interactivité, RIA… puis sur les technologies innovantes, le mobile, la 3d sur le web, les mondes virtuels. Je blogue aussi sur certains sujets qui me font réagir, ou qui m’ont semblé être restés dans l’ombre"

Fluency Admin at

by sbrothier & 1 other
Despite the huge overhaul that the WordPress admin interface has received its still not quite what I would really like. I had grown quite attached to the Tiger Admin theme by Steve Smith and when I found that it didn’t work with WP2.5 I was a little disappointed. But this gave me the opportunity to do something different, my own admin theme. Fluency is the result.


Uza’s Blog & More » About

by ronpish
My name is Paulius Uza, I am an Actionscript / Apollo developer from Kaunas, Lithuania. This is my personal space where I will share my thoughts on user interface design and interactive web and desktop applications. In this blog I focus mostly on Adobe’s Flash Player and Adobe AIR runtime and also provide source code and applications for download.

Twingly Screensaver Beta

by CharlesNepote
"Twingly screensaver is visualizing the global blog activity in real time. Forget RSS readers where you see only what you're interested in. With Twingly screensaver you get a 24/7 stream of all (viewer discretion advised) blog activity, straight to your screen."


by flip3r
visuality, interaction and robot technology


Usages et Conceptions Numériques

by j_c
Un blog sur l'innovations dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies. Ce blog est tenu par jean-charles LABAS

Yahoo! User Interface Blog

by clochix & 1 other
Official blog of Yahoo! Design Pattern Library and Yahoo! User Interface Library

Ergonomic Garden

by tisienpo & 2 others
Découvrez le blog dédié à l'ergonomie web de l'agence sqli, animé par des ergonomes spécialistes du web : "a pour ambition de faire partager nos retours d'expérience projets, nos points de vue, notre vision de l'ergonomie web. Vous y trouverez des exemples de problématiques de conception d'interface, des retours terrains issus de tests utilisateurs, focus-group, tri par cartes, enquêtes en ligne, des points de méthodes. Mais vous y trouverez également une réflexion plus large sur l'analyse du travail et l'accompagnement du changement pour les outils professionnels en entreprise".

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag blog

article +   isreal +   oil +   politics +   secret +   truth +  

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