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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & austincast

05 May 2007

Vicissitude » Blog Archive » Twitter Updater (a WordPress plugin)

by springnet & 1 other
The Twitter Updater automatically sends a Twitter status update to your Twitter account when you create, publish, or edit your WordPress post

30 April 2007

29 April 2007

New Calacanis link-baiting rules

by springnet
I've developed some deep relationships over the past couple of years blogging and I realize that those relationships manifest themselves in the links I find when I do my 28x a daily ego search over at Technorati.

20 April 2007

19 April 2007

BlogMate - The Free, (BETA!) Missing Blogging Palette For TextMate

by springnet & 1 other
BlogMate is a free, graphical plug-in for the popular TextMate editor that allows creating and editing blog posts for MetaWeblog-enabled blogs from a floating palette within TextMate.

16 April 2007


by springnet & 5 others
We help you find things that are on the rise and worth your time. Our approach combines buzz detection with editorial commentary

The Jeff Pulver Blog - Notes, comments and observations

by springnet
Anyone with a laptop (with a webcam) can visit and in less than five minutes get setup with your own channel, your own chat room and be live on the Internet.

Scripting News for 3/14/2007 « Scripting News Annex

by springnet
I was younger then, today I would do it differently. I have learned that these things take care of themselves. People who deliberately choose the low road have to live on that path. Their reward comes from karma, or god, fate or luck — whatever you call


by springnet & 48 others
springnet has a page here... connect w fellow readers and get rockin' widgets

14 April 2007

ConverStations: Business Blogs as Conversation Stations

by springnet
If you're interested in starting a blog for your business or yourself, this course will offer the basics of blogging. A four-week course that will help you discover the power, the purpose, and the practices of blogging (from both writer and reader perspec

12 April 2007

11 April 2007


by springnet
jenka[at]thedolab[dot]com great social identity consulting blog

10 April 2007

08 April 2007

07 April 2007


by springnet & 2 others
Karl is the Web/Social Media Integration Manager for the video game group at Nokia. This blog is a personal project and talks a lot about the intersection of marketing, social media and remarkable customer experience.


by springnet
Sideblog is an easy-to-use tool that makes it simple to create, attach and manage a small, separate blog on the side of your main blog. Sideblogs are commonly used for guestblogs, link lists, or short commentary that doesn't quite warrant a full entry.

01 April 2007

WordPress Plugins |

by springnet & 4 others
Twitter Tools This plugin creates an integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account. Pull your tweets into your blog and create new tweets on blog posts and from within WordPress.

30 March 2007

computers should be less friendly

by springnet
a collection of blogs, links and anything else that falls out of my head

computers should be less friendly

by springnet
Prom Queen is basically a popularity contest that also helps you convert followers into friends. Simply, put in your Twitter UserID and password into Prom Queen and it will go out and scrape all your followers and make them friends.

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last mark : 05/05/2007 03:03