16 May 2006
f45 Online Photographic Gallery of Rolfe Horn
by pabloof45 Online Photographic Gallery of Rolfe Horn
A Black and White Photography Portfolio RSS
by pablooPaul Politis black and white photography. New images and news.
15 May 2006
A Black and White Photography Portfolio
by pablooBlack and white photography of Paul Politis. People, still lifes, graffiti, cuba, nudes, night photographs.
02 May 2006
Lopix Photography
by lopixThe world is filled with structures, some forgotten and others well-loved. What stories do these buildings have to tell, what scenes have these stones witnessed? Why is the human race so obsessed with erecting these monuments of metal and brick - and why do they so carelessly abandon them when they are no longer needed?
(5 marks)