by mbertierThe talk covers many different aspects in API design and contains examples of good practice and common mistakes. Many of the principles and guidelines discussed aren’t new, but you rarely see so many of them summarized.
PHP Best Practices - phly, boy, phly
by mbertier, 1 comment (via)# Comparisons of different coding standards. I'd worked up a comparison of eZ Components and Zend Framework standards to contrast against PEAR's.
# Functional testing. Mike put a lot of effort into the unit testing section, and I'd done an additional section on functional testing -- testing against fixtures, such as test databases, sandbox services, etc.
# Repository layout. Mike actually talked about this briefly, but we'd intended to show some designs for subversion layouts, and how to create and use branches and tags.
# Subversion hook scripts. We mentioned their existence, and some uses, but we'd hoped to show how to add these to your repository, and some sample scripts.
# Mailman. How to setup archived mailing lists.
# Capistrano. Mike mentioned this tool in the talk, but did not have time to go into examples of usage.
Une mine d'or : Les présentations du IA Summit 2005
by mbertier (via)# Information Architecture for Content Management,
# Select Country: The Art of the Global Gateway,
# STUX - Integrating IA deliverables in a web application development methodology.
(8 marks)