public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags audio & multimedia


Bruitages gratuits

by fotopol & 1 other
Téléchargez des milliers de bruitages gratuits, ainsi que de nombreuses ambiances sonores, samples, sons, musiques gratuites enregitrées en mp3 de qualité professionnelle pour tous les musiciens, studios d'enregistrements, réalisateurs et soundesigners.


Home Musix GNU Linux

by Emaux
Musix GNU Linux is a 100% free multimedia operating system intended for music production, graphic design, audio and video edition, and all kind of tasks. It contains an enormous collection of free (as in freedom) programs that can replace Windows

by jdrsantos & 1 other
The Xiph.Org Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting the foundations of Internet multimedia from control by private interests. Our purpose is to support and develop free, open protocols and software to serve the public, developer an


KiSS Technology 1600

by xlr8
Disque dur multimédia de salon

Cibox Wireless Cinebox Ultra H264 500 Go

by xlr8 (via)
La nouvelle Cinebox HD Wireless (avec support du H264)

PCHC HD à 220€

by xlr8
Sujet : les disques durs multimédias (dont la Cibox Cinebox HD Wireless)

XP Codec Pack

by Aspo & 2 others
"XP Codec Pack is one of the most complete codec pack" audio and Video codecs for windows xp system...

d y n e : b o l i c -- a free multimedia studio in a GNU/Linux live CD

by jdrsantos & 3 others
dyne:bolic is shaped on the needs of media activists, artists and creatives as a practical tool for multimedia production: you can manipulate and broadcast both sound and video with tools to record, edit, encode and stream, having automatically recognized


GStreamer: open source multimedia framework

by maddoxeric & 3 others (via)
The GStreamer team is proud to announce new releases of the Good and Ugly plugins collections in the 0.10 GStreamer stable release series.

Audio and Video Editing Software

by hanso (via)
The best audio and video software - You can create your own music, by mixing elements and samples you could make your mixes for a web site or a presentantion. You can also record streaming audio or pull audio from a CD, DVD. With such software you can also convert files from one format to another.

Active users

last mark : 25/01/2009 13:49

last mark : 31/10/2008 09:03

last mark : 19/09/2008 17:28

last mark : 23/08/2008 09:24

last mark : 06/01/2008 15:29

last mark : 24/10/2007 06:18

last mark : 23/09/2007 10:32

last mark : 07/01/2007 07:49

last mark : 03/11/2006 02:18

last mark : 30/10/2006 13:55

last mark : 15/09/2006 10:41

last mark : 06/09/2006 05:26

last mark : 26/07/2006 16:38

last mark : 15/05/2006 11:42

last mark : 17/04/2006 19:55