public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags article & transnets

April 2006

September 2005


by cherbourg & 1 other (via)
CommonTimes is a social bookmarking community for news readers. Peope like you determine the headlines by adding stories to our site. Become a citizen editor, it's easy to get started: save browse & share news


by arnet & 1 other
CommonTimes is a social bookmarking community for news readers. Peope like you determine the headlines by adding stories to our site. Become a citizen editor, it's easy to get started: save browse & share news

June 2005

May 2005 » Ordinateurs “simplifiés” : nouvelle vague, ou régression ?

by Francis
Papier très complet sur les ordinateurs bon marché ou "simplifiés". (en plus, il cite Transnets)

Mind mapping - Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre et gratuite

by thbkrshw & 1 other (via)
Très utile, cet article de Wikipedia signalé dans un commentaire d'Aurelien.

Mind mapping - Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre et gratuite

by Francis & 1 other (via)
Très utile, cet article de Wikipedia signalé dans un commentaire d'Aurelien.

April 2005

KYOURADIO, Radio Podcast y Open Source

by hectormilla (via)
KYOURADIO es probablemente la primera Radio Open Source que emite en Podcast. Empieza en USA, San Francisco, el próximo 16 de mayo.

video defensa de derechos humanos

by hectormilla (via)
WITNESS has been a pioneer in the human rights field for over 13 years. We work in partnership with human rights groups around the world, giving their local issues a global platform through the use of video and technology.

Un mapa de las relaciones en Flickr

by hectormilla
cartografía de una red social. De GustavoG

Le jour où notre disque dur aura disparu

by François Hodierne & 1 other (via)
"Microsoft (MSN), à Google, à Yahoo!... Ces trois géants règnent sur le Web, où ils se livrent à une concurrence acharnée. Avec, chacun, l'ambition de devenir le portail Web unique et universel.

<a>Du coq à l'âne</a>: Internet et la littérature

by Francis
Une revue passionnante et très ouverte sur les relations entre internet et littérature. A ne pas manquer pour ceux que le sujet intéresse | 04/18/2005 | Intel unveils WiMax chip set today

by Francis
Premiers pas, encore timites, de WiMax, une technologie qui, un jour, devrait nous permettre d'avoir des accès sans fil et à haut débit à l'internet.

by hectormilla
Stratellite. Construit par SansWire, sorte de satelite qui peut "baigner" toute la France avec WiMAx.

BBC Radio podcasts 20 more shows

by François Hodierne (via)
The BBC is making 20 more radio shows available for listeners to download onto their digital music players.

Behold, the wizard of blogs

by Francis (via)
La vie de Xeni Jardin enfin dévoilée... Ça donne envie de visiter encore plus souvent.

Turning the web into 'sushi belts'

by François Hodierne & 1 other (via)
"The way people find websites, blogs, and other content they like on the net is changing."

La cadena SER emite en Podcast

by hectormilla (via)
Le podcasting chez les Radios conventionelles.

Blinkx TV

by hectormilla
outil de recherche inteligente des videos, programmes tv, archives PC, news... | 04/06/2005 | Identity thieves\' new ploy: `pharming\'

by Francis
TRES INQUIETANT... qu'en pensez-vous? First online crooks went ``phishing,'' and now they're getting into ``pharming'' to reap their harvest of potential identity-theft victims. Pharming is a new scam that automatically directs computer users from a legitimate Web site to a fraudulent copy of that site -- without any warning signs. The fraudulent site collects passwords, credit card numbers or other private information for potential misuse.

The New York Times > Arts > Critic\'s Notebook: On the Internet, 2nd (and 3rd and . . . ) Opinions

by Francis
In other words, the review is being replaced by a shopping list. Which brings out something important about the economy of the Web. The more lists you're on, the more you're wanted. The premier compliment for a Weblog is to be listed (or linked) by lots of other blogs. The Truth Laid Bear keeps a list of the most-linked sites, a "blogosphere ecosystem." It's like the Social Register. The Web is not really a web after all. It is a list of lists.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag article

a.lire +   amelioration +   blog +   business +   career +   howto +   inspiration +   it +   japon +   miam +   philosophy +   programmation +   programming +   psychology +   reference +   restaurant +   sushi +   tech +   tips +   unix +  

Active users

last mark : 19/04/2006 20:57

last mark : 14/09/2005 18:14

last mark : 13/06/2005 17:07

last mark : 20/05/2005 16:21

last mark : 04/05/2005 14:45

last mark : 24/04/2005 09:56

François Hodierne
last mark : 21/04/2005 17:15

last mark : 03/04/2005 08:12