Solved: Gmail, iPad, iPhone, and multiple from addresses | Modern Nerd
by simon_bricoloenabling multiple “from” addresses under a single Gmail account in Mail on the iPad and iPhone
15 Suggestions for Marketing your iPhone Application | karelia.com
by simon_bricolosome suggestions for marketing an iPhone application
iPhone App Icon Design: Best Practises | pixelresort.com
by simon_bricolo & 1 otherconseils pour le design d'une icône iphone
10 altenatives to rejected iPhone apps developpers | typepad.com
by simon_bricolo10 altenatives to rejected iPhone apps developpers
Five Tips For Getting iPhone Reviews | mobileorchard.com
by simon_bricolo & 1 otherconseils pour maximiser les chances d'avoir des reviews de son application iphone
Optimiser son application web pour iPhone ou iPod Touch | jaysalvat.com
by simon_bricolo & 5 othersconseils pour optimiser son site web pour l'iphone
Avoiding iPhone App Rejection From Apple | mobileorchard.com
by simon_bricoloQuelques raisons qui peuvent justifier le refus d'une application iphone par Apple
10 useful iPhone tips & tricks | taptaptap.com
by simon_bricolo & 3 otherstucs pour mieux utiliser son iphone
How to Price Your iPhone App out of Existence | losingfight.com
by simon_bricoloarguments pour fixer le prix d'une application iphone
iPhonize your mobile website | liip.ch
by simon_bricoloQuelques bons conseils pour rendre son site web mieux compatible avec le iPhone
How to create a custom Apple iPhone icon for your Web site | askdavetaylor.com
by simon_bricolo & 1 othercreate a PNG format graphic file that's 45x45 pixels in size, name it apple-touch-icon.png and drop it in the root directory of your Web site
(18 marks)