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PUBLIC MARKS with tags art & evento

January 2006

Grand Text Auto » Computational Aesthetics Workshop at AAAI

by bcpbcp
Our aesthetic agency for beauty and emotion is one of the most celebrated bastions of humanity. If machines could understand and affect our perceptions of beauty and happiness, they could touch people's lives in fantastic new ways. Drawing variously from work in diverse fields such as psychology, cognitive science, and philosophy, recent applications of artificial intelligence have begun their foray into the computation of, inter alia, art, music, poetry, and affect. Both the theory and praxis of aesthetics by computational means are seeing rapid advances, and the time is ripe for thematic integration. Hence, this workshop will bring together AI theorists and practitioners across various realms in study and celebration of its central thematic, COMPUTATIONAL AESTHETICS.

October 2005

Montréal International Game Summit

by bcpbcp (via)
Video games are emerging as the dominant form of art and entertainment of the 21st century, enjoyed by hundreds of millions of players worldwide. As a culturally potent and expressive medium, developers should be able to explore all aspects of the human condition - as we see in film, literature, etc.

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last mark : 21/01/2006 16:47