by schmul.netgénérateur de texte/image, la machine récupère une image associé à un mot de l'énoncé et l'affiche.
Terra Nova: Digital Communities 06 / Prix Ars Electronica
by bcpbcpFor the third time, Prix Ars Electronica, the foremost international prize for computer-based art, is starting its call for entries for "Digital Communities" projects. The category "Digital Communities" has been a great success in its 2004 and 2005 editions and is singling out for recognition projects of great sociopolitical relevance.
by bcpbcp & 3 othersPermite o desenho distribuído a partir de um tema. Cada pessoa pode desenhar apenas um pedaço.
Video Game Media Watch — The Video Game Journalism Review » Interview: Smatbomb Co-Author Heather Chaplin
by bcpbcp“Smartbomb: The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution“ is the first book from husband-and-wife team Heather Chaplin and Aaron Ruby. Chaplin, a journalist whose work has appeared in the New York Times, Fortune and Salon, agreed to answer some questions about the writing process for us.
Montréal International Game Summit
by bcpbcp (via)Video games are emerging as the dominant form of art and entertainment of the 21st century, enjoyed by hundreds of millions of players worldwide. As a culturally potent and expressive medium, developers should be able to explore all aspects of the human condition - as we see in film, literature, etc.
The Bubble Project - Ji Lee
by bcpbcp (via)" I printed 15,000 of these bubble stickers and place them on top of ads all over New York City. Passersby fill them in. I go back and photograph the results."
Grand Text Auto » Digital Humanities Quarterly: Call for Scholarly and Creative Work
by bcpbcpDigital Humanities Quarterly will publish scholarly articles, editorials, experiments in interactive media, and reviews of books, web sites, new media art, and digital humanities systems.
Games * Design * Art * Culture - Greg Costikyan
by bcpbcpRecent Presentations: games and storytelling, create new game styles
Art:21 . Gabriel Orozco. Interview & Videos | PBS
by bcpbcp (via)"I think every game is a universe in a way, or every game is an expression of how the universe works, for different cultures."
by mbertierLa série des Brouillages est présentée par incident.net dans le cadre de son hors-série sur le nu.
(19 marks)