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PUBLIC MARKS with tags apple & hack


From the Tips Box: Xbox Controller Hacks, High-Res iTunes Artwork, and Healthier Popcorn

by maxxyme
Grab iTunes Artwork for Music, Movies, and TV Shows Photo by Photo Mojo Matthew wote in with a roundabout way to retrieve blocked high-res iTunes artwork: It’s been a real drag not being able to get at the high-resolution artwork since Apple blocked our attempts (Ex: The Josher Method). But there is a new found way that is available to anyone that owns an Apple TV or possibly a regular Mac! While browsing my Apple TV, I noticed that when a movie, TV show, or song is selected, there is a high-res image of the album/cover art displayed to the left. This got me thinking, it has to be stored somewhere for it to show it. I did some digging and found a folder in the file system for just that purpose. Full-sized art in unencrypted jpg format is “cached” in separate folders on the hard drive. With a SSH or FTP-enabled Apple TV, navigate to /mnt/Scratch/private/tmp/Front Row/Images There, folders contain the cover art of all music/TV shows/movies that was selected in the last browsing session! There will also be the low-res images there, but ignore them. The high-res images will be named original.jpg.


Skype on iPhone

by springnet & 1 other
there is a workaround that will enable you to use Skype on the Apple iPhone.


Hack Attack : Install Leopard on your PC in 3 easy steps! | dailyApps

by springnet & 1 other
Well its been only a day since the Mac OSX Leopard was released officially by Apple and the hackers have managed to create a patched DVD that everyone like you and me can use to install Leopard on PC’s without having to buy a Mac.

Unlock the iPhone - a simple tutorial!

by springnet & 1 other
This is the real deal - unlock your iPhone for use with any SIM in less than an hour. A


Hack Attack: Play games on your iPod for FREE - Lifehacker

by jerome
Two non-Apple tools allow you to play games on your iPod: iPodLinux and Rockbox, both of which are completely free and open source.


by rmaltete
Mactel-Linux is the effort to adapt the GNU/Linux operating system to Intel-based Apple Macintosh hardware. Wiki

by rmaltete & 3 others
Welcome to the Windows on Mac Wiki! The main purpose of this Wiki is for people to share information on how to install Windows XP on an Intel Mac, and where to obtain the Windows drivers for Apple hardware



by kgl & 14 others

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag apple

bidouillabilité +   critique +   drm +   ipad +  

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