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PUBLIC MARKS with tags antivirus & spyware


Un antivirus qui fait Cocorico

by Giraultises & 1 other (via)
Multi Virus Cleaner 2015 est un outil gratuit qui permet de détecter et supprimer les virus, chevaux de troie et vers les plus courants. Multi Virus Cleaner est un scanner anti virus léger, très rapide, facile à installer et extrêmement simple d'emploi. Et en plus, il est français !




by cascamorto
FreeFixer is a general purpose removal tool which will help you to delete potentially unwanted software, such as adware, spyware, trojans, viruses and worms. FreeFixer works by scanning a large number of locations where unwanted software has a known record of appearing or leaving traces. The scan locations include the programs that run on your computer, the programs that starts when you reboot your computer, your browser's plug-ins, your home page setting, etc.

Tutoriel de Zeb Help Process - Forums

by cascamorto
Zeb Help Process (ZHP) analyse ou réorganise les 20 rapports suivants : Outils de diagnostic : Boot Log Drivers (Microsoft) Deckard's System Scanner (DSS). DiagHelp (Malekal) HijackThis (Trend Micro) PCA Sécurité ( (Trend Micro) RunScanner. Uninstall List HijackThis. Antivirus Antivir (Avira). Kaspersky Antivirus OnLine (KAV). MalwareBytes Anti-Malwares (MBAM). SUPERAntiSpyware (SAS). Outils de désinfection BTFix Search/Clean (bibi26). ComboFix (sUBs). EliBagle (S.G.H./Satinfo S.L) Lop S&D Search/Clean (Angeldark et Eric71). LopxpMH2. Navipromo Search/Clean (Il mafioso). MSNFix (!aur3n7). SDFix (AndyManchesta). SmitFraudFix (S!ri).

Site sur la sécurité informatique

by cascamorto
Présentation des menaces Eviter d'être infecté * Protéger son PC * Entretenir son PC Désinfection * Procédure générale * Guides spécifiques Guides logiciels Partenaires - Download Security & Privacy Tools

by cascamorto & 1 other
* Antispam * Antispyware * Antivirus * Cleanup Tools * Cookie Managers * Defrag Tools * Email Privacy * Encryption Tools * Firewalls * Net Monitoring * Password Manager * Pc Access Control * Popup Blockers * Secure Deletion * Security Tools * Startup Managers * Traceroute Tools

Protégez gratuitement votre PC sous Windows

by camel
De l'antivirus au pare-feu, en passant par le nettoyage ou le renforcement du système, il n'y a plus d'excuse pour ne pas "blinder" son PC. Notre sélection d'outils gratuits.

Why should you use Runscanner?

by springnet
Runscanner is a completely free windows system utility which scans your system for all configured running programs. You can use runscanner to detect autostart programs, spyware, adware, homepage hijackers, unverified drivers and other problems.


Nilz Website V3 - Liens Sécurité

by cascamorto
Antivirus en ligne Kits de désinfection Fixs Spécifiques Anti Spyware en ligne Anti Trojan en ligne


Dr.Web CureIt! :: Security-Privacy::Anti-Virus Tools :: Free Software Download Site

by webzf & 1 other
FREE anti virus and anti spyware scanner based on the Dr.Web best-of-breed engine. As hundreds new viruses appear and spread in hours around the world daily, CureIt! with the newest definitions to the virus bases is re-built several times every day. The u

CP Secure appliances defend networks from viruses and spyware

by jay
One of the best ways to defend a corporate network from the vast amounts of spyware and other malware running rampant on the web today, is to install a gateway scanning appliance like those provided by CP Secure ( These appliances stop malware at the internet gateway, before it ever enters the network, so desktop security programs are left with very little work to do. Some malware still does occasionally get in - especially if notebooks or other mobile devices often connect to the network - so these gateway appliances work best in conjunction with other security solutions such as a firewall, intrusion detection/prevention, desktop AV and anti-spyware. But the best thing about CP Secure's appliances is they don't require network reconfiguration - just install the appliance and turn it on. You will immediately see the huge amounts of malware being blocked before it ever reaches your computers.

C'est quoi ce fichier ? la réponse ici ...

by cascamorto
Ce site est une simple référence pour indentifier les fichiers que vous ne connaissez pas dans votre ordinateur. Nous n'avons peut-être pas TOUS les fichiers, mais nous avons répertorié les plus demandés. Vous pouvez entrer le nom d'un fichier et voir si celui-ci est dangereux ou bien il est nécéssaire au bon fonctionnement de vos applications et système d'exploitation. Aidez nous à agrandir notre base de données. Vous n'avez qu'à ajouter des fichiers. C'est facile!


Winpooch - Open source anti-spyware for Windows

by JW_00000 & 5 others
Winpooch is an open source anti-spyware and anti-trojan application for Windows.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag antivirus

antispyware +   blogger +   blogs +   capacitación +   concurso +   ecuador +   recursos +   seguridad +   seminarios +   wordpress +  

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