The 20 Most Powerful Storytelling Videos of 2013 | Visual.ly Blog
by greggAnimated videos are quickly becoming a leading medium of choice for impactful story telling. That’s hardly surprising, considering how difficult it is to grab – and hold! – the attention of an audience these days.
Agence Créamotion : creation de sites internet
by creamotionAgence de création de sites internet orientés Web 2.0 de très bonne qualité.
. Respect des normes w3c
. Maitrise du Web2.0 (graphisme web2.0 , programmation Ajax, ergonomie intuitive...)
. Maitrise de Flash (Programmation & Animation)
. Maitrise du référencement (Full URL rewritting, metatags etc...)
. Hébergement Pro
Les meilleurs!
geneome » Blender Tutorials
by -Nicolas-All the video tutorials use the XviD codec at 1024×768 resolution.
Jorge Rocha -- Rigging 1
by -Nicolas- (via)I intend to make a tutorial here about some tricks which can be done after the usual process of rigging a mesh to an armature. I assume you have experience with the process of skinning and assigning and editing deform weights, maybe you already have a full model, but are unhappy with some unwanted artifacts. This tutorial will not cover inverse kinematics, but the principles shown here are not incompatible or interfere with IK.
BlenderArt Magazine - Your online source for 3D news and information about the Open-Source 3D Program and related open-source software
by -Nicolas- & 1 otherThe magazine was started for the blender community, having the aim of publishing a bi-monthly PDF magazine; free for download. The goal of the magazine is to provide quality learning content for the blender community, from the efforts of the community itself.
TUTMarks /
by -Nicolas- & 69 others, 1 commentTUTMARKS est un site web collaboratif spécialisé dans le partage et la promotion de tutoriaux sur Internet, il permet aux internautes de proposer des tutoriaux trouvés sur le web, de les commenter, et d'en évaluer l'intérêt par un système de vote/notation.
Elephants Dream
by -Nicolas- & 12 othersElephants Dream is the world’s first open movie, made entirely with open source graphics software such as Blender, and with all production files freely available to use however you please, under a Creative Commons license.
The short film was created by the Orange Open Movie Project studio in Amsterdam during 2005/2006, bringing together a diverse team of artists and developers from all over the world.
(12 marks)