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PUBLIC MARKS with tags animation & ae


Keep Your Wiggle Under Control – All Bets Are Off Productions

by kruty (via)
Have you ever set up a wiggle expression, gotten a result you liked, and then added another layer into your comp – only to find it changed the wiggle animation? Or maybe you changed the layer order and your wiggle animation changed? In this tutorial, Aharon Rabinowitz, tells you why it happens and how to stop it dead in it’s tracks!


Adobe - Higher Education : A Study in Motion Graphics

by kruty (via)
Integrate yourself with After Effects; one of the most powerful tools in television and film. Learn to prepare graphics for broadcast using these course materials by John Vondracek, a filmmaker and industry leader in motion graphics for over 10 years. There are 14 chapters, each covering a range of topics from animation to rendering to 3D Engines. We recommend watching them in order but feel free to jump around as needed.


Lens Flare - Are you blogging to me?

by kruty
Construire un Halo de lumière (ou Lens Flare) sous Photoshop et After Effects. Tutorial.

Neon tubes - Are you blogging to me?

by kruty, 2 comments
Réalise ton néon sous After Effects et Photoshop. Petit tutorial


DVD ! - Are you blogging to me?

by kruty
Petits essais d'effets spéciaux sous After Effect. Ici test de simulation de reflexion de lumière dans un DVD.

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last mark : 11/01/2010 10:50