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PUBLIC MARKS with tags anarchisme & internet

17 August 2009 05:00

Anarchy and the Internet, by Gordon Graham

by alphoenix
The word 'anarchy' in understood in two ways, one positive and one negative. In the positive use, the way in which celebrated anarchists such as Proudhon and Kropotkin used it, anarchy is absence of government, and for that reason freedom from the coercive power of the state. The negative and more commonplace use of anarchy also denotes the absense of government, but precisely for that reason, it is thought of as a condition of lawlessness and chaos. In short, anarchy - society without the state - can be regarded as an ideal or as a danger.

16 August 2009 18:00

L’insurrection des Anarnautes ou le Sursaut de la Raison

by alphoenix
Je veux croire que les êtres humains ont un instinct de liberté, qu’ils souhaitent véritablement avoir le contrôle de leurs affaires ; qu’ils ne veulent être ni bousculés ni opprimés (…) et qu’ils aspirent à rien tant que de s’engager dans des activités qui ont du sens (…). Il s’agit essentiellement d’un espoir au nom duquel on peut penser que, si les structures sociales se transforment suffisamment, ces aspects de la nature humaine auraient la possibilité de se manifester

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last mark : 17/08/2009 05:49