[ubuntu] Problem with volume control pulse audio not starting
by sylvainulg (via)Got the issue this lunch. rebuilding alsa with module-assistant was simple and did the trick. I used mplayer -ao oss mod_of_the_week.ogg to validate my sound hardware was still working properly.
The issue is most likely in pulseaudio: re-installing it afterwards killed alsa sound again.
alsaseq – ALSA sequencer bindings for Python
by Emauxalsaseq is a Python module that allows to interact with ALSA sequencer clients. It can create an ALSA client, connect to other clients, send and receive ALSA events immediately or at a scheduled time using a sequencer queue. It provides a subset of the ALSA sequencer capabilities in a simplified model. It is implemented in C language and licensed under the Gnu GPL license version 2 or later. Current version is 0.2.1, released on December 5th, 2007.
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