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PUBLIC MARKS with tag age




Struts 2.1, toujours plus de "Convention"

by kasi77
Ce type d’évolution est révélatrice de la direction que prennent les frameworks Java à l’heure actuelle. Ils cherchent à simplifier le travail des développeurs et essayent de combler le retard qu’ils ont à ce niveau par rapport à leurs équivalents d’autres langages (Symfony, Ruby on Rails,...). Il est assez amusant d’ailleurs de remarquer que pendant que les frameworks java se simplifient, leurs "concurrents" comme symfony deviennent plus complexes. Ces derniers reposent sur une utilisation de plus en plus poussée du modèle objet pour des fonctionnalités auparavant réalisées de manière procédurale (ex : sfForms). Si cela apporte des bénéfices en terme de robustesse et maintenabilité, la courbe d’apprentissage en prend un sérieux coup... Si ces mouvements continuent, il viendra peut-être un jour où les développeurs Java se moqueront de PHP pour sa complexité... Espérons que d’ici là, chacun arrivera à un juste milieu !

django-master-class.014.png 800×600 pixels

by marco
Go Go Go Go shorty, it's ya birthday, we gona party like its ya birthday



Dating a Younger Guy or an Older Woman

by F&L
Age gap relationships can be surprisingly happy relationships

Age Hormones Wrinkles

by bl100bec
Information On Age Hormones Wrinkles. Reviews And Recent News.

Clearance Item Nerve Tester Shocker Game Kit Limited Stock

by mayble86
Clearance Item Nerve Tester Shocker Game Kit Limited Stock - My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and Gee Heres a REAL Shocker Game preserves (peace officers are limited ) That's less than three video games (about 10 m


Toy Safety Checklist

by likebike (via)
Use recommended age labelling as a guide Look for warnings or other safety messages on toy packaging Buy only toys suitable for the child's age group Avoid toys with sharp points or edges Check rigid eyes and noses on soft toys; make sure they cannot be pulled off Examine wheels on toy cars to make sure they are secure Make sure small parts of larger toys cannot break off AFTER BUYING Look for warnings or other safety messages on toy packaging Read carefully all instructions included in and on the toy packaging Throw away all toy packaging such as plastic, cellophane and styrofoam Teach your child the proper use of toys. For example, darts and arrows should not be pointed at anyone Throw away broken toys that cannot be fixed Make sure that batteries in toys are properly installed Do not allow a child to sleep with a battery-operated toy Supervise children playing with balloons Throw away pieces of broken balloons Remove toys and mobiles strung across cribs and playpens when baby begins to push up with hands and knees Make sure that large toy boxes have good ventilation and that the lid is lightweight and well supported Teach children to put their toys away Examine toys regularly for signs of wear and tear

Post Carbon Institute | Reduce / Produce - Reduce Consumption, Produce Locally

by stan & 1 other
OUR MISSION The mission of Post Carbon Institute is to assist communities in the effort to Relocalize and adapt to an energy constrained world. Post Carbon Institute is a think, action and education tank offering research, project tools, education and information to implement proactive strategies to adapt to an energy constrained world. The development of Post Carbon Institute came out of concern for the environmental, social, political and economic ramifications of global over-reliance on cheap energy. Our main response to these concerns is the strategy of Relocalization, which aims to rebuild societies based on the local production of food and energy, and the Relocalization of currency, governance and culture. The main goals of Relocalization are to increase community energy security, strengthen local economies, and dramatically improve environmental conditions and social equity.

ageproject :: Home

by slogoo & 6 others


by belage (via)
Groupe de Maisons de Retraite et Aide à Domicile.

Quelle différence entre une classe abstraite et une interface ? - Weblog - Clever Age

by kasi77
Apparues avec PHP 5, les classes abtraites (abstract classes) et autres interfaces mettent du temps à s’imposer au sein de la communauté des développeurs PHP. Largement répandues dans les mondes Java et .NET, ces deux notions constituent l’un des fondements de la programmation orientée objet (Object oriented programming).

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag age

aide +   belage +   domicile +   maisons +   retraite +   senior +  

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