October 2006
vFlyer-Sell Online easier and faster(Real Estate,Cars,Jobs,Electronics,etc.)
by jackiege & 2 otherscreate a standardized, professional-looking classified ad and post it to the leading classified websites in minutes! provide professional design templates to help you create eye-catching ads, and our advanced software enables you to quickly and easily ex
August 2006
Upingme - World-wide text classifieds
by jackiegeA world-wide real-time hybrid classified ads system,control with mobile phone via text messages. Post message from phone,tag it with keywords and anyone can search for your message with mobile phones and reply to it.
Palacan!啪啦罐頭-免費個人佈告網站 | 部落客與網拍族必備的免費宣傳佈告好工具!
by jackiege佈告的意思是指想要對網友宣傳的文章,比如我要宣傳我的部落格、我的網拍商品,都可以刊登佈告來宣傳。本站更加入了社會性網站的特點,比如佈告評價、好友名單、邀請好友等功能,讓你
June 2006
Tagyu :: Automatically categorize the web
by jackiege & 11 others托管服务通过检测文件的关键词/标签/分类自动生产文件的元数据,自动提供广告的语义相关性和内容分类
May 2006
Welcome to theadcloud - classified ads in your own way
by jackiege & 4 others以标签标注广告,首先选择城市以地区为分类。中文支持不好!
(8 marks)