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PUBLIC MARKS with tags WGA & windows


Comment faire les mises à jour de Windows sans utiliser Windows Update | Korben

by cascamorto
Si vous êtes sous Windows et que pour vous, les mises à jour par Windows Update, c’est l’allergie assurée (ou alors le décrackage de WGA assuré et donc des galères à n’en plus finir), voici 4 solutions alternatives pour profiter des mises à jour officielles de Microsoft sans passer par eux et choisir précisement ce que vous voulez updater…


Download everything from Microsoft without WGA Check » gHacks tech news

by cascamorto & 1 other
The following method gives you the ability to download every file from Microsoft without a WGA check. All you need is the tool mgadiag.exe and the download url of the file that you want to download. Mgadiag.exe is the Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool.

Avoid Microsoft Software WGA Checks » gHacks tech news

by cascamorto
MuBlinder is a sweet little tool that requires the net framework to function. It is capable of doing lots of things and I think it is best to list only the most interesting ones. First, it can bypass the validation check for Internet Explorer 7, Media Player 11, Windows Defender and Microsoft Private Folders. The software is able to remove the WGA Notification, can run at startup and make sure that validation and notification status is active.

Contournement de Microsoft WGA par Microsoft -

by cascamorto
Une nouvelle preuve que WGA ne gêne que les utilisateurs payants : Microsoft fournit un outil permettant de contourner la protection

Bypass WGA in Style

by marco
WGA is a pain in the butt for many of us. Even if we have a legal copy of windows it just makes us do things we don’t want to.

Comment supprimer WGA Windows Genuine Advantage - Windows XP (réparer) - FAQ - TSO

by cascamorto
WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage certains l'appellent Windows Genius Advantage) est un programme de Microsoft qui permet e vérifier si votre version d’XP est authentique. Le problème c’est qu’actuellement celui-ci se connecte à chaque démarrage sur les serveurs de Microsoft et à ce jour il n’est pas possible de savoir ce qui y est envoyé.

How to disable or uninstall the pilot version of Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications

by springnet & 1 other
This article applies to the version of Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) Notifications that is distributed during the pilot program. For example, this version is included in the pre-release version that accompanies the Microsoft Software License T

Firewall Leak Tester

by chiunam & 4 others
RemoveWGA enables you to remove the Microsoft "Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications" tool


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag WGA

7 +   bypass +   explorer +   hack +   ie7 +   internet +   windows +  

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